
The Augur [Nations]

Nations until a better name is offered.

The Augur Nations: The Augur Nation sustained itself through the prolonged resource drought (that occurred when the galaxy was dispersed into star clusters) by forming a techno-theocracy in which only the High Priests (usually Augurs) were allowed to use the majority of the resources and technology. This, in addition to several unique equipment and ship designs, allowed The Augur Nation to progress much more rapidly into the hyperspace age once resources started to come in. The Augur Nation was discovered after the wormhole was opened. The Nation was in the first star cluster explored, and, apparently, the Augurs were confined to this one cluster. The third star cluster discovered contained humans that seemed to worship idols bearing a likeness to Augurs (though each star system was a different nation). Soon after this discovery was made public, the Augurs took advantage of the new technologies and resources made available and united the star systems in the third cluster under Augur leadership. Though this was technically an annexation, the Augurs themselves insist that each nation retained its sovereignty (hince the plural form). Regardless, the nations seem to act solely upon Augur whims, and on the whole, they are referred to as The Augur Nations. Later in the game, The Augur Nations lay claim to several (3-5) systems inside the new galaxy. Though lacking in manpower and military strength, they are able to exert a considerable amount political stress upon their neighbors through carefully planned public relations. The Augur Nations are particularly hostile towards Reol-human relations, and are insistent that humans should abandon the Reol faith for more traditional human beliefs.


The Ancients

The Ancients: The Ancients are the ancestors of those who remained in the old galaxy. Various nations are included in this group. Some of these nations had local, interplanetary craft at the time contact was reestablished. Others had regressed to a primitive period of time called �the industrial age.� Regardless, after contact was initiated, space flight became common through these nations (though mostly outsiders were the pilots). Most of these systems are multi-government, with occasional anarchies scattered throughout. The old galaxy is basically a hinterlands of the new one. The only nation of Ancients to progress to the galactic power stage of a nation (though a minor one) in the time span of the game is The Augur Nations.

Not all the Ancients are Augur devotees:

  • Some belong to The Augur Nation.
  • Some belong to tiny independent nations. Their historical records sometimes contradict those of The Augur Nation.
  • Others, though not a part of the Augur nation- and belonging, in fact, in misc. low tech independent worlds- pray to Augur-like idols. Later on, the Augurs come to unite them and form The Augur Nations.
  • A few live in independent, one-star one-nation govenments. The people here seem to harbor a particular hate for Augurs and remember (through legend) 'The Evil Hive' as a kind race.
  • And some live in backward anarchies and multi-national systems. They have no records or opinions on the Augurs or The Hive or much anything else.
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