"It is shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult."

--Frank Herbert, Dune

For so many good (Anarchist) Essays are already somewhere on the Web, I won't include much else than self-written ones and some of my favourites. If your looking for something particular try www.altavista.digital.com, www.askjeeves.com, www.yahoo.com or any other search engine.
In case you haven't got an idea what to look for or you are new into Anarchy, try the FAQ at
www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/ or have a look at the Proudhon Memorial Computer at flag.blackened.net.

Anyway, here some essays:

[read] True Anarchism by Nico Myowna

[read] �ber Wahrheit und L�ge im aussermoralischen Sinn

And now to some written by myself, they aren't thought out very well for they were just written to express my opinion only good enough to get a mark that would get me through the year. It's possible that I will write some of more use in my spare time, till then there you got a first small window into my mind, in case there should be any question, ask and you'll get an additional comment:

[read] Auseinandersetzung mit 'Der Sisyphos-Mythos' von Albert Camus, jedoch ohne eigenen Titel

[read] Soll man sich beim Schreiben eines Aufsatzes an vorgegebene Themen halten?

[read] Was ist Gott f�r mich?

For the moment you've reached the end of my small essay collection, come back later and may you'll find more.

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