Caroline Evers

Caroline Evers

Appears in: The Ripper


Caroline Evers was a beautiful, intelligent, ambitious woman who went from being in sales to owning her own company in the span of a few years. She had money, dreams, and was one of GENOM's only competitors for the sale and distribution of food and drink. In short, Caroline should have had everything. She didn't, though.

When she was working at one company she and a man were vying for a position. Caroline was more talented, but when the man made a graph of her menstraul cycle versus her productivity, he proclaimed that she faltered when her period came. This was obviously false, but the president of the company chose to take the man's side and gave him the job. Not long afterward, Caroline Evers started Green Cereal, GENOM's competitor in the food industry.

Her life became more complicated than ever when the very man who had beaten her to the longed for position at her previous workplace went to her and asked for a job. She was in love with him and gave him everything she had. But something was missing. When the original graph of her period had been drawn up, she had been so distraught that she had her entire torso more or less turned into synthetic parts. Soon she was making more of more of her body into something fake. The man, whom she had married, cheated on her with a prostitute from Paradise Loop, a practically abandoned railway, and then announced that it was true after all: Real women really are better. Caroline was so enraged that she killed her husband and went on a murder spree, taking the lives of all the prostitutes she came across whenever her lower body cramped as a reminder of her lost femininity.

Everything went straight to hell with Iris Cara, Venessa Bach, Leon McNichol, and Jeena Malso began investigating the murders in Paradise Loop and tracked Caroline down. She made an attempt to escape in the subway, but because the termination of Caroline was handed to the AD. Police instead of the Normal Police, she didn't stand a chance. She had had more than seventy percent of her body altered into Boomer form and thus was a Boomeroid. Problems with Boomeroids were handled by the AD. Police rather than the Normal Police. Despite Iris' protests, Caroline, who had just begun to allow her body to be defiled by a group of men on a train, was killed by a block the AD. Police set up.


Caroline Evers is another female executive who is comparable to Sylia Stingray. Caroline was beautiful and had a dangerously clever side that was countered by her traumas that had lead to her obsession with killing Paradise Loop prostitutes, including a fourteen year old girl who was making money the only way she knew how. Caroline was shown to be uncontrollable, but at the last minute she gave up all hope of redemption and gave herself to a group of vagrants, showing how little she truly valued herself when she could no longer even qualify as a human being. She is one of the characters from the series who truly begs the question of what separates man from machine.

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