Venessa Bach

Venessa Bach

Appears in: The Ripper


Venessa Bach joined the Normal Police of MegaTokyo less to serve and protect and more because she wanted to get the chance to shirk her duties or force them onto one of her comrades. The comrade she associated with most was Iris Cara, a slightly younger and occassionally overzealous police officer. The two worked together when Iris became involved in the case of Caroline Evers, a.k.a. The Ripper. Venessa did remarkably little to help Iris, but she did drive her around and keep the AD. Police updated on Iris' successes and failures during their fairly one-sided investigation. Venessa was the one who uncovered Caroline Evers' identity through use of computers at the AD. Police, and also got the chance to sing the catch Green Cereal theme song ("In the sky or by the sea, it's Green Cereal!").


Venessa had little time on screen, but what was shown of her was cocky and relatively uninvolved with the real world and her job. Venessa was not a bad officer by any means, but she would rather take on hopeless cases and waste her time smoking than actually work. She also had a cybernetic pinky that she appalled Iris with while they were talking about what it means to be human. Venessa was the less serious of the two and liked to tease Iris, asking her at one point if her interest in Caroline Evers meant that Iris was a lesbian.

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