J.B. Gibson

J.B. Gibson

Appears in: Revenge Road


J.B. Gibson was living the perfect life for some time. He had a girlfriend, Naomi Anderson, a good friend to help him with his bikes, Doctor Raven, and a promising career in racing. This all ended when he was attacked by the Outriders, a rebellious gang of motorcyclists who assaulted cars in the highways. Gibson received several compound fractures and Naomi went into what seemed to be permanent shock. She could no longer walk or talk or function normally. The two of them lost their jobs and ended up in a dumpy apartment where the frustrated Gibson began to form a plan.

In early 2033 Gibson put his plan into effect. He had the Griffon, a collector's automobile that was already capable of reaching high speeds. Because he was working on being a mechanic, Gibson, with Doctor Raven's unwitting help, was able to turn the Griffon into a machine of revenge. At night he would go out and run down the Outriders. Because no lives were taken, for some time the incident was being treated as "horseplay that's gotten out of hand." But Gibson made the mistake of causing Priss Asagiri to wipe out on her motorcycle. The ever vengeful Priss swore that she would not let Gibson get away with that and began to research him.

Gibson meanwhile finished the upgrades to the Griffon. The police found out who he was and cornered him. In desperation Gibson took the Griffon, and Naomi, on a final ride, trying to avoid the police. Little did he know they had set up a barricade and were waiting for him. The Knight Sabers were hired by Doctor Raven to stop Gibson from getting himself killed. Gibson himself tried to stop the Griffon when Naomi miraculously awoke and begged him to stop the car. The Knight Sabers found them just in time and rescued Gibson and Naomi before they were killed. The two of them were arrested but most likely were acquitted soon after.


Gibson did not have much of a personality. He was the typical one dimensional character in distress that had to be saved by the end of the episode. His crisis was fairly petty. Gibson's meaning was one of revenge and what comes when someone goes out of control, both literally and figuratively. Other than that, his development was fairly limited. According to a computer monitor at the AD. Police station, Gibson was twenty-nine years old.

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