Naomi Anderson

Naomi Anderson

Appears in: Revenge Road


Naomi Anderson was living well with her boyfriend, J.B. Gibson (she called him 'Gib') until they two of them were assaulted on the highway. The Outriders were responsible for the attack. Naomi was left paralyzed with fear, quite literally. She was unable to talk and had to be moved around in a wheelchair. Another permanent scar was that which made her shriek in terror at the very sound of a motorcycle engine and the imprint in her mind of the face of one of the Outriders during the attack.

Naomi was practically incognizant of what Gibson was doing with his time while they were living in a small, dirty apartment in Mega Tokyo. Their friend, Doctor Raven, worried about Naomi but said little about it. When things got out of hand and Gibson took the law into his own hands, Doctor Raven stepped forward and put an end to it before both Gibson and Naomi were killed. Naomi was arrested along with Gibson after the Griffon was destroyed by the AD. Police.


She really didn't have one... Naomi, like her boyfriend, fits into the category of characters who are nearly impossible to care about because they have no meaning and no history. Everything she did was typified and relatively dull. It's a shame, because someone in Naomi's state could have developed wonderfully. Instead she was left about as one dimensional as a character can be.

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