

Appears in: Double Vision, Scoop Chase


Naoko, two of three years older than Nene Romanova, was a friend of Nene's who assisted in dispatching and other less combat oriented jobs with the AD. Police. She was not an astounding hacker, nor was she a super sleuth, but she was a good friend of Nene's. As a rule, she got tickets for them, although not only to the best shows available. She did get those front row Vision concert tickets, though...

Naoko was also ironically the one who cracked into the computer when Nene was failing at getting information on Irene Chang's death and its connection to Vision and the attacks going on in June, 2033.


Naoko had marginally little personality, but she was cute and funny. She was also man-obsessed and frequently gave Nene useless advice on how to catch a mate. She was a kind, friendly person who helped Nene out at times, whether or not she knew it. In the long run, it seems Naoko existed for the sheer purpose of supplying laughs. As some odd trivia, she was the Vision-obsessed fan shown in line when Priss Asagiri and Linna Yamazaki were watching television near the beginning of Double Vision. That was the first time Naoko was shown.

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