O.K., the above is an A Major scale. That's cool, you say, but what is it? Well,
I'm so glad you asked! Do you see how it's got the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7b,7's? well those are, my friend, the A Major scale
telling you where the notes are. O.K., cool, now what are those black circles for you ask? Those are the chord
tones for the A Major chord, remember in the previous page? (If not go
there now please) The black circle represent the tones that are in the
A Major chord. The 5th on the top means start at the 5th fret. The first (left-to-right) vertical bar is the low
E string and the last vertical bar is the high E string, pretty simple huh? :-)
If you place your fingers where all the black dots are, that would be the Amaj chord. You can of course add and
take away notes if you want. The number's in red are optional chord tones. You can put them in there if you want,
or you could leave them out to keep it a standard Amaj chord.