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Okay, I'm trying not to sound like a personal ad here but, if I do, hell! That wouldn't be so bad! Sorry... I don't mean to sound desperate here... Whoops! There I go again!

This is my left side...Seriously, I'm named Aida Dali and presently I'mThis is my right side...20 (there goes a 1/5 of my life... if I live to be a 100!) so, I'm leaving the whole 'teenage angst' thing and entering another angst - real life.

I'm studying in National University of Singapore and in my 2nd year in July '98. I'm really sure of what I wanna do after my studies but, I won't blurt it out just yet, as it may not come true. My credibility is at stake here.

Usually, when I have time to realise that I suck air, I will try to travel, read, listen to music or do just about anything that needs to be done (and that usually involves my hazardous room) - all these done with U2 blaring in my eardrums.

I guess that's it. I'm not usually this sarcastic, I'm sometimes mean too - only to people who deserve it. I'm nice, really! You just have to catch me on a good day.

Some useless information...

... when you hang around me long enough, I will utter "Oh man!","Damn!", "Shit!" and "Damn the man!" numerous times (at numerous occasions) and sometimes all at once.

... I love chocolate, chicken rice and anything free that's pushed in front of me.

... I get bored easily, thus I never seemed to finish anything (typical Geminian trait) .

E-mail me!


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yada, yada, yada... red.gif (7083 bytes)