Paper Chains

Photo of paper chains made from assorted recycled materials


Cutting in a straight line
Using the Stapler


Texture Length
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


We used:

Material Scraps
Bubble Wrap
Off cuts of cardboard (variety of textures, thickness, colours)
Coloured Plastic (regular cellophane tears too easily)
Old wrapping paper
Coloured paper (we used old notices, memos etc that had only one side used)
Old greeting cards

Basically, use what ever comes to hand. The more variety, the more interesting (IMHO).

1. Cut the materials into strips. We used lengths of about 20cm.

2. Make each link by putting the edges of each strip together and staple.

3. Thread the next length through the last link.

4. While creating the chains, draw attention to the concepts mentioned above. Allow the child time to explore the different textures, thicknesses, colours etc of the materials. One of our students discovered he could pop the bubble wrap so we gave him time to play with it.

We used the chains to decorate our building for Christmas. At the end of the term the children will take them to decorate their homes.

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