Letter Writing

The following activities were designed to enable our pre-reading and writing students to explore the genre of letter writing, and to participate in e-mail exchanges with other students. Many of the buttons on the overlay contain a closed sentence, while some are open and require use of the keyboard. They can easily be adapted using "Overlay Maker" from Intellitools.

1. Greeting - A few variations, e.g. "hello X", "Hi X", and "Dear X". We put buttons with names of those we write to frequently (e.g. our school Principal), however the option of using the keyboard to type names is always there.

2.My Name - a list of the student's names who are involved with the projects. We use first names only for privacy reasons.

3. Days - special activities that we do on different days that the students may wish to talk about, e.g. "On Tuesday we go shopping."

4. Travel - how we get to school by bus, walking or taxi. Add more buttons if you need to.

5. Horseriding - This is an activity we do in our 2nd and 3rd terms, soon to be replaced with a similar swimming activity. The children brainstormed fun things about horseriding that they would like to tell people.

6. Play - Favourite T.V. shows and games, names of friends, etc.

7. Goodbye - a few different ways of signing off, e.g. "Yours sincerely,", "From", and a space for the different names of the students using it.

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