Other Overlay Activities

Overlays don't have to be used for writing activities alone. Some of the following overlays were used for both writing and other activities. Some were used just as communication boards. The idea of this page is to give you ideas about how you can use overlays in different ways. These activities are just examples and you can adapt them to suit your own needs.

Face Match - This activity is an Intellitalk activity where the student "types" a word and then matches it with the picture. A successful match is where the words typed on the screen are the same, and (therefore) the words spoken from the computer are the same. I choose facial features to make this activity, but you can do it with any words as long as you have illustrations to match.

Reward Chart - This is a little chart I put together for one of my students. I used the overlay mostly without the intellikeys as a low tech communication board, however I've made it so you can use it as a word processing activity if you wish.

La Treats - This overlay is actually a low tech communication board that we used to order milkshakes at our favourite cafe in Mareeba. We coloured the flavour buttons to match the colours of the milkshakes.

Old MacDonald - These overlays are for two activities. The first is sentence construction and the second is music. Non-verbal students used these overlays to participate in music sessions. An activity that I did with my students while making the overlays was to look at the animals you find in different environments. This is why Old Mac Donald not only has a farm. He has a house, he lives in the Bush, and he has a boat too.

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