Prediction Activities

When clicking on objects

* Ask the child to identify an object.
* Before the child clicks on the object, have them try to predict what might happen.
* Discuss the normal behaviour of the object or character to help predict, e.g. a tap is used to turn on the water. This might happen if you click on the tap. What else might happen?
* When something unusual happens, try to use language to explain what happened, e.g. surprise, silly, funny, different, unexpected, unusual etc. If the child hears these words in context, they may use them later.

When turning the page

* Try to review what has happened so far.
* If possible, have the child tell the story in their own words.
* Have the children try to predict what might happen next before they turn the page.

Tip: Predicting is not easy for a lot of children. If they are having trouble, give them several alternatives, making some sound silly and some sound fairly predictable, then have the child choose.

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