Ted Mechanic's Deep Purple Pages




Concert reviews


Find some concert reviews here, most of them include pictures which are (like all the other ones on my pages) taken by myself, with a really simple tourist's camera. So please don't expect too much from them. Nevertheless, some of them I consider pretty nice, at least "special"....

Please enjoy.


ZDF Fernsehgarten, Mainz, Germany, Aug 12, 2001
    Kongresszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany, July 24, 2001
    Schloß Salder, Salzgitter, Germany, June 2000
Cambridge Theatre, London, U.K., May 25, 2000
Burg Waldeck, Waldeck, Germany, July 14, 1999
Schloß Burg, Solingen, Germany, July 9, 1999
Elzer Hof, Mainz, Germany, Dec. 14, 1998


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