
Main Characters
Minor Characters

World Map
Item List
Characters Equipment
Characters Weapon

Gear Information
Gear Equipment
Gear Engine
Gear Weapon
Gear Frame
Gear Armor


Main Characters

Fei Fong Wong/ID
Elhaym Van Houten
Citan Uzuki
Billy Lee Black
Bartholomew Fatima
Rico Banderas
Maria Balthasar
Chu Chu

Billy Lee Black

Renmazuo Name: Billy Lee Black
Birth Place: Aquavy Islands
Age: 16
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Fighting Style: Gunners/Gun
Gear: Renmazuo
Note: Billy was a priest of ethos When he was a young child, his father Jesiah Black, disappeared and his mother died after being attacked by undead Reapers (also known as Wels). His younger sister, Primera, lost her voice from the shock of her mother's death, and Billy feels responsible for her and he has devoted himself to raising her.

Billy's Skills

Skill Name Motion AP Notes
Adam's Apple T,X 4 None
Gunholic T,T,X 5 None
Hell Blast S,X 5 None
Nut Crack T,T,T,X 6 None
Sky Walker T,S,X 6 None
Devil Blast S,T,X 6 None
Banfrau X,X 6 None
True Dream T,T,T,T,X 7 None
Holy Gate T,T,S,X 7 None
Dear Friend T,S,T,X 7 None

Billy's Ether

Ether Name EP Effect
Purity Light 2 Remove all status aiments (one)
HealingLight 2 Recover some HP (one)
Holy Light 4 Recover some HP (all)
Goddess Call 4 Speed up (one)
Goddess Eyes 4 Defense up (one)
Wind Shield 4 Protection against earth (one)
Earth Shield 4 Protection against wind (one)
Fire Shield 4 Protection against water (one)
Water Shield 4 Protection against fire (one)
Goddess Wake 8 Recover life (one)

Page Design By Kopisusu/Innuendo
All Right Reserve@
February '99