Note: ID also got xenogears but it was red one and if
one of you have the picture (ID with the red xenogear)
and generous enough to contribute it to me I'll give full
credit of the image toyou and if you have a site I'll link
it to your site. |
Pilot : ID
Height : N/A
Dry Weight : N/A
Equipped : N/A
Sub Generator Torque : N/A
Main Generator Coefficient : N/A
Battery Life : N/A
Frame Durability : N/A
Reaction Time : N/A
Ether Induction : N/A
Speed(Ground) : N/A
Speed(Air) : N/A
Weapons : N/A
Hit Points : 30,000
EXP. : 200,000
GOLD : 0
Items Won : N/A