poll allows all viewers of this website to pick which sound they
would like to hear in the MEMBERS SECTIONS
if you would like a say then click the link above. |
NEW: 8, 16 -
21:09 PST - *UFP-CL-Hurley654*
��� I am sorry for the lack of updates and not responding
to emails.� Sadly enough I have had a lot of things going on in my
life recently that have kept me from updating mainly SCHOOL,
have kept me away.� So I need someone to take my place as CLAN
LEADER.� That's right *UFP-CL-Hurley654*
HAS TO STEP DOWN.� The person that takes over will have
complete access to all of the utilities I use now to keep this page
going.� But sorry if your relatively new to the clan I can't hand the
position to you.� I am leaning to a RACE
LEADER's cuz they've been here a long time; especially Idomeneus,
Adm.Sela, Zilchus,
Stardate080400 which have been here since the
beginning and thanks to: President, Adratus
which have contributed greatly.
NEWS: 8, 4 -
16:56 PST - *UFP-CL-Hurley654*
��� !*!Info on the stats page!*!�
The stats page will now contain members stats.� The only exception is
that *UFP-CL-Hurley654* can put on the page
if he doesn't have your stats so, submit your stats.�
The form is still on the STATS page just
click on the STATS link and fill out the
form.� To see some other member stats just scroll down below the
NEWS: 8, 2 -
18:09 PST - *UFP-CL-Hurley654*
��� I should be back now online like I was before.� I
also have updated the STATS page.� So
many of my members have requested a page
where they can see their STATS well now they
can.� All STATS will be listed in the STATS
SECTION.� Members if you want to show off your stats then submit
them to me through the STATS page.
NEWS: 8, 1 -
14:56 PST - *UFP-CL-Hurley654*
��� Well my computer is back but I'm still having some
modem problems.� I will probably need to buy a new modem or a new
computer.� So I might not be online as much until I can get my modem
NEWS: 7, 31 -
20:53 PST - *UFP-CL-Hurley654*
��� Sorry for lack of updates I'm having a lot of trouble
with my modem.� I'm on a friends computer right now.� Sorry for
the JOIN form not working it is now fixed.�
Anyway we have a few members which I will add in a few days.
NEWS: 7, 24 -
13:59� PST - *UFP-CL-Hurley654*
��� Well for clan members we have decided on new names that
will identify rank.� If you are in [UFP]
as a MEMBER check out the MEMBER
page to see how you need to change your name, *UFP-CL-Hurley654*
greatly appreciate this.
NEWS: 7, 22 - 20:30 PST
��� Sorry for missed meeting I
was supposed to go to a wedding this morning and come home.� However
my brother wanted to stay for the reception so then we stayed and I didn't
get back until about 13:40 PST.� Well I
hope you fill out the survey so I can pick the sounds that u want to
hear.� I'll try to make SUNDAYS oh and
for members that haven't been showing could you please start showing
up.� Your input is important for your RACE
LEADERS to hear so they can tell me what u want.
NEWS: 7, 20 -
10:37 PST - Hurley654[UFP]
��� Well I have returned from my vacation.� Wish I
would have had more time so I could have seen all the things I wanted
to.� Well I have made a new header for [UFP] I
would appreciate some feedback if you like it or not.� You can email
me or leave a post in our FORUM.� Oh
and for any members that joined while I was on vacation you should now see
your names on our members pages.
NEWS: 7, 8 -
14:28 PST - Hurley654[UFP]
��� This is a reminder to all who didn't get my email or
just join [UFP] that I'm going on vacation
this MONDAY and will be returning the next TUESDAY
which is JULY 10TH to JULY
18TH.� So there will be probably no updates for the coming
week.� But if I can get by a computer I'll try to update.� Also
I may not be at the meeting tomorrow SUNDAY
but I'll try to make it.
NEWS: 7, 7 - 19:42 PST
- Hurley654[UFP]
��� All right this is to remind all
members of the meeting tomorrow.� It is 12P.M.
and SUNDAY @ 2P.M. PST in room UFP,
[UFP] MEETING, and so on.� I am going on
vacation MONDAY and will be packing and
buying some stuff so I'll try to make the meetings but I'm not sure if
I'll actually get there.� Also our new ally [UFR]
which is my brothers clan so check it out.� Also [UFR]
is currently recruiting so if u don't like [UFP]
go check out [UFR]
NEWS: 7, 5 - 22:39 PST
- Hurley654[UFP]
��� Again hello all visitors to
the [UFP] site.� For everyone I have
added something I think is cool to the MEMBERS
SECTION that's right ALL PAGES under the MEMBERS
link now I have put in some sounds from the AMERICAN
VERSION of the game.� The sound will probably change routinely
probably every 2 to 3
WEEKS.� I would like to get some feedback on this
though.� If you like the IDEA please
make a post in our FORUM
or go to our CONTACT PAGE to email me.�
NEW: 7, 5 - 14:16 PST -
��� Hello all members don't
forget I will be going on VACATION
from JULY 1OTH to the 18TH�so
I'll miss some meetings just to let all members know, and our alliance is
official with [FTF]
you can go to our STATES section so see who
some of our other allies our and to check out there pages.
NEWS: 7, 4 -
00:17 PST - Hurley654[UFP]
��� Happy 4TH
to all AMERICANS.� We have more maps
added to the map section there isn't any progress with our treaty with [FTF]
but it is being worked on.� No new member today though which isn't
good.� Oh I was thinking about our MOD
section so far I have had no one send me MODS
so I think I am going to delete that part of the DOWNLOAD
SECTION.� But if you would like for me to keep it please make
a post in our FORUM under CLAN
NEWS with SAVE THE MODS or something
like it in the SUBJECT LINE, if more than 6
different people do this I will keep the MOD SECTION
I will allowing the VOTING for a week.