Crossed Steel Inn

DarkBlade could be best described at this moment as "Elegance in a mud pile" Even though he is covered with dirt from the construction around him. Even though his body shows soft scars of a warrior. Even though he is wearing a smock and peasant pantaloons. He carries himself in a manner that shows his nature to be almost nobility.

The man is about six feet tall, Elven in nature and Dwarven in blood. You remember the tales of the Dwarven Crusades travelling through the Orient. Many elves were raped by the dwarves during their conquests. This man (if you can call him that) seems to be the product of one such union. He is the epitamy of tall, dark, and handsome. He moves in such a way that the ladies can't help but be captivated.

Hobbit Heller:
(The Man Behind The Blade)

My name is Harold Heller but I have been called Hobbit since birth (my mother was reading Lord of the Rings while in the hospital). I am 26 years old (February 25, 1972) and living in a pit called San Angelo, Texas. I was in the U.S. Air Force for almost six years at Goodfellow AFB. After a brief stint (Aug. 28, 1990 - Jan. 25, 1996) as a computer programmer in the military, I joined the ranks of the civilian employed. I am currently working (Mar. 18, 1996 - Present) for SITEL Corp. For those that care, I am working on a resume and plan to post it here on Fortune City. I am beginning a business with a friend/work-supervisor called Computer Playground. We will be selling computers and computer parts (more than likely you will have to E-mail us for info because Fortune City is for personal Web Pages, not commercial). I have quite a few hobbies and hope to incorporate them into my Web Site. If you have anything to add that fits into what you see on these pages, be it Info, Web Sites, Critiques or just ideas on what direction you would like to see this go, E-Mail me. You will be given full credit for anything you supply that was used and not previously known or submitted.  Please note "[Crossed Steel Patron]" in subject line.

As a post script: Any references to businesses (other than mine) are unofficial and not intended to threaten any copyrights or otherwise be malicious or slanderous to any people or businesses involved. If anything is derogatory towards any company or person (I doubt I will be) it is MY opinion only and does not express the views of my host Fortune City. I take no claim to creating the art in these pages except those listed in the Developer's Office. If you recognize any art that you know without a doubt is of your creation and you would like credit, please E-Mail me and I will credit you in the Developer's Office. I will assume honesty on everyone's part. If it is public domain, leave it that way.

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Tell me what you think. E-Mail me at:
[email protected]
(Small Disclaimer: My art bites! Please look past it OK?)
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