Crossed Steel Inn
Room: Main Lobby

Kir-Ani sees you as she walks into the room and waves you over. "Here is the Floor Plan. It is in the elvish tongue so I will translate" states Kir-Ani as she pulls out a large parchment with unfamiliar scrawlings on it.

She tells of all the areas in the Crossed Steel Inn:

"More may be built", she says, "But this is what's here and on agenda now. Please enjoy the open areas. They are safe for travelers. This place use to be a home for a family of trolls (don't worry they are long gone) and because of that there are some non-family-friendly visuals that need to be cleaned up. Be patient, the other areas should open soon"
[Front Door][DarkBlade Info][Back to the Lobby][Carriage House][Cellar][Developer's Office][Interactive Theatre][Stables][Fountain][Wizard's Lab]
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(Small Disclaimer: My art bites! Please look past it OK?)