Penalty Doubles

Opponents have stuck their busy little noses right into your auction! Things were going fine, you and partner were communicating, then opponent said, "Enough's enough!! I have something to say!"

So, opponent has interfered. How dare he?!? You and partner may continue on with your bidding auction and ignore opponent as though he were not there, and most of the time, that is what you will do. However, sometimes, you may find it more profitable (score-wise), to punish the opponents for interfering with a Penalty Double. Penalty Doubles are personal things and by agreement between partners, but as a general rule, most doubles on the four level and above, are for penalty. Doubles on the three level or below will depend on what doubling conventions you and partner employ. Check out your options. Take Doubles, Negative Doubles, Support Doubles, Responsive Doubles
The Bidding Box

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