Original and vintage quilts and textiles

Take a look at my work.            
This gallery includes a representative selection of the more than 135 quilts I've made which are now in private and corporate collections.  

Click on a thumbnail for a better look. (My page is under construction, so not all links may work quite yet.)  

Miniature quilts in vintage and antique fabrics (c.1875-1940)
These quilts generally range in size from 8"x10" (the tiny Irish Chain in the first picture) to 24" square (the Puss-in-the-Corner in the second picture).  

Lap-sized quilts in vintage and antique (1875-1945) fabrics
What I did before I "went miniature" in January 2001.  Most are  48"x60" or thereabouts.

Contemporary designs in hand-dyed fabrics
I use Procion dyes and a really beautiful vintage upholstery muslin that looks like silk.