(c) 1998 Eastern Humanities
and Communications Magnet
By Anne H., Emily P., Roni,
and Rachel M.
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1. "Affordable Housing." RHOL,1998

2. Barry, Dan. "For Landlords, Hard Numbers and Obligations." . 10-10-96

3. Cisneros, Henry G. "Defensible Space." [http://www.nahro.org]. 1-95

4. "Community Block Grant Funds Flow into Southeast D.C." Ethnic NewsWatch, 4-19- 95

5. "D.C. Mayor Puts Forth PLan to Address Decaying 'O' Street Wall." Ethnic NewsWatch, 7-9-97

6. "Developers Seek to Link Affordable Housing Tax Credits With Inflation; Industry Insiders Applaud Section 42 Program, Callfor Expansion, Business Wire." Business Editors, 1997

7. Fountain, John W. "After Long Slide, Hope Peeks from Ruins." [www. washingtonpost.com]. 5-28-98

8. "Government's Role in Low Income Housing." RHOL, 1998

9. "Housing an Impossible Dream." Michigan Chronicle, 2-4-97

10. "Low-Income Households." NAHB

11. "Low Income Housing Tax Credit." [http://www.pgandco.com/low.htm]. n.d.

12. "Major Federal Housing Acts and Agencies." RHOL, 1998

13. "Overview." [http://www.law.cornell.edu/topics/landlord_tenent.html]. n.d. 14. Pearson-West, Kathryn A. "Downtown Housing in D.C." 6-25-94

15. "Resources for Affordable Housing." NAHRO, 1998

16. Sontag, Deborah. "For New York City's Poorest, Life 'Trapped in a Cage'." [http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/ny-family-poverty.html]. 10-6-96