
I went way overboard yesterday when it came to eating and boy do I feel it today! LAZY LAZY LAZY I am working on the going out tonight. Trying to find someone to go with so I won't have to go alone. Well, if I don't find anyone to go with, I won't be going at all. But, I'm ready! The house is quiet for a nice change. Just me and my son are here this afternoon spending some time together just the two of us. His dad is supposed to be stopping by later to drop off his Christmas gifts (and hopefully pick him up for the night :) That way I won't need to find a sitter. Oh my gosh...as I'm typing this, I received an email from one of the webrings I am on. Apparently, she liked some of my writings enough to give me an award! How cool. My first one! I'm going to have to add that to the site today. Too cool! I'm going work on that now.....

Yesterday | Tomorrow