Chapter 4: Abortion vs. Overpopulation
Whoa! Abortion is currently the issue in our
society today and I, like everyone else, have an opinion on it. I
am pro-choice. It is a woman’s decision what to do with her body
and again, the government should have nothing to do with it. However,
I will admit that abortion is not a pretty thing. In the future,
hopefully there will be a much more civilized solution. I am not
saying that I enjoy abortion or recommend it, but I will say this: Overpopulation
is the source of 99% of the problems on planet Earth and we can not hold
back in our fight against it.
Republicans think that if there is something
they feel is wrong, it should be outlawed. Perhaps it never occurred
to them that if everyone thought abortion was wrong, the abortion clinics
would be out of business. It’s true. If no one liked Taco Bell,
Taco Bell would not be in business. But it is, so somebody must be
eating at Taco Bell. The same rule applies to abortion. People in
America are having abortions because the clinics are making money.
I personally think that Taco Bell is wrong.
But, I will never try to pass legislation that outlaws eating or working
at Taco Bell. I figure if enough people realize they're eating shit,
they’ll stop eating there eventually, then Taco Bell will go out of business,
never to be eaten again. Remember the movie Demolition Man, where
all the restaurants are Taco Bells? Sometimes I wake up screaming
in the middle of the night because of that movie.
Now, let’s look at this thing from a more republican
point of view. It seems logical to me that, without being stereotypical,
most of the women who have abortions are part of the lower class.
I don’t know the exact figure but most are poor, right? So if they
could not have abortions, that many more babies would be born to poor parents,
probably parents who could not support them. That would mean more
mouths for welfare (the government, therefore the taxpayers) to feed.
We do not have the resources for more people. Believe me. When
we make replicators, like in Star Trek, and we never have to worry about
food again then it would be okay to have more people. Until then,
I propose that the U.S. should follow China’s lead and tax cap couples
who have more than two kids. If it would screw up an already screwed-up
tax system, we could put welfare caps on more than two kids. For
example, if you have three kids, you get the same as if you had two.
If you had twenty kids you still get the same as if you had two.
I know Mormons and Catholics would not like this but that’s tough.
I don’t feel that I should have to pay because Catholics and Mormons want
to have 20 freaking kids.
Before we finish with this topic, I would give
you a pledge to sum up my opinion on abortion. It’s not enjoyable,
it’s not pretty, but it is all we have right now. When that day comes
and we find a much more "civilized" method of ridding unwanted pregnancy,
I’ll be first in line for banning abortion. Until then, get off it.
It ain’t going away.
Next: Chapter 5: "Religion is a great big
Previous: Chapter 3: "How Americans are
being denied of basic human rights by the Government"