Images with solid areas of color are usually saved as GIF's. I try to use web index colors whenever possible so the best colors will be seen on all monitors. If the web-only colors do not work for an image, I use adaptive index colors. Images with graduated colors or which are photographs are usually saved as JPG's. I use either JPG's or GIF's using adaptive index colors, depending on the subject and the use. The quality of your images will be better if you try to follow the above guidelines. All images should be 72 dpi. If you use a large resolution, such as 300 dpi, the image will be large and take "forever" to load. An image file size of 30 kb (30k) or smaller is preferred. Following are some examples. Solid Areas of Color:
Blended Areas of Color:
Notes: I use Photoshop for my images, and I work with RGB colors and as many web colors as possible. GIF'S For images with blended colors or photographs, I convert the image to adaptive indexed colors. If I am planning to have a transparent background for the image, I must use adaptive GIF's. If it's a choice between using a GIF or a JPG, I may do both and let the final file size and the quality of the image determine the choice. Sometimes the background of a JPG will not properly blend with the page background. JPG'S My butterflies and logo on this page are JPG images. The drop shadows are blended areas, so I had to use either the JPG or GIF adaptive format. |