Our goal:
The Resource Center will provide you with a great number of links that are related to construction, maintaining and promoting of homepages. This will be mostly free resources, but not exclusively. There are good places to buy good things, and some of them will be featured, but marked as such.
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Advertise on our pages
Welcome future advertiser!
That you read this page shows, that you have a interest in advertising. Now, how can we win you as advertiser on our pages?
For sure you will not advertise on our page if there is no traffic! So we wait with announcing our advertising rules until there is some traffic - and because we think that there is a great future before us, and because we will do all we can to make our pages known, we are confident that in autumn 1998 we will be a good adress for advertising!
Only one thing in advance: banner sizes can be up to 12 KB and 460x60 Pixels, and your banner is placed on top of the page - specials available in corresponding text parts - but only 40x400, 7 KB max., in side table of pages also buttons possible)
If you think the same about our future, and want to begin advertising on our site before, mail us at: [email protected]. Please note, that we will not accept advertising for illegal or adult stuff.
Note also, that we will not place clickthrough banners on our site, sorry, we mean that every impression gives an "impression",
and one day you'll buy it! See with Coca Cola - they spread their ads allover the world, and don't pay their advertisement by a "bought because of this special ad" system. Advertisement is preparing the customer to buy, and we think, that before any click on a banner, there is a preparation needed, and this also must be paid for. This is our view, for our site, and if you do not agree, okay - you are the one that decides!
On the other side, we will display your banners prominently, and only one on top of the page, and besides that some in the linksareas, and some buttons, but we will not overload the pages with graphics and banners and... And there will only be one banner on the bottom, until you have your banner there, that will be a friends banner exchange system!
Thanks again for your interest!
Hanspeter Künzle, webmaster