Slake's Limbo
Aremis Slake
A dapted to living in a subway
R atty, he's like a rat living underground
E asy to make fun of
M iserable, because he's homeless
I gnorant, because he doesn't follow the law
S illy, because he's very clumsy
S orry, no one likes him
L ost, he is without a family
A unappreciated, nobody likes him
K ind, he doesn't harm others
E uneducated, he doesn't know much
Aremis Slake is a character in a book called Slake's Limbo. He lives in an alcove (a big hole) in a subway tunnel. He is homeless, because his mother died when he was little and his father left the family too. But, since the state looks after him, he still goes to a public school in New York.