| "SHOLEKOFF" - The firm is famous producer of details and ready-made units built from plastic, caoutchouc and metal. We propose combined spritz of metal plastic, metal-caoutchmetal-bakelite and many others.
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"МАШСТРОЙ" АД - Производител на металорежещи машини и стругове с CNC упражление |
MASHSTROY JSCo.- Mashstroy is a joint-stock company with the following business aclivily: projecting, production and implementation of metal-cutting machines, CNC machines, building machinery, wood-working machinery. equipment units, non-standard equipment, consumer goods, engineering |
„ТРОЯФАРМ" АД - лекарствени средства за хуманната и ветеринарна медицина; |
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„ВИТЕКС" АД - Вълнени тъкани; |
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„ВИНПРОМ" АД - троянска ракия и други напитки. |
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„МЕБЕЛ" - производство на мебели; |
"MEBEL" - production of furniture, |
„ТРОЯНСКА КЕРАМИКА"- производство на битова керамика; |
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Неговата работа е съсредоточена в шест направления, Като най-забележителна е работата на единствената в България секция по научно козевъдство. Институтът поддържа 60 сорта и различии хибриди от сливовата култура и над 15 сорта малини. |
| INSTITUTE OF MOUNTAIN STOCK-BREED-IING AND AGRICULTUREadds a lot to the economical image of the town. Its work is concentrated in six directions, the most remarkable of which is the section for goat-breeding, the only one existing in Bulgaria. A lot of work is being dine in the field of biotechnologies. The Institute support 60 kinds of different hybrids of plums and over 15 different kinds of raspberries. |