View: The Nightmare Before Christmas - with Jack Skelengton (a relative?)

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images copyright(c)1998 Mike Skellenger

Copyright (c) 1972 by Ray Bradbury

Pipkin nowhere to be seen.
Way off, toward the horizon, something dark frittered and danced and slithered away in the cold star air.
"Help-help-" wailed a fading voice.
Then it was gone.
"Oh," mourned Mr. Moundshroud. "This is bad. I fear Something has taken him away."
"Where, where?" gibbered the boys, cold.
"To the Undiscovered Country. The Place I wanted to show you. But now--"
"You don't mean that Thing in the ravine, It, or Him, or whatever, that Something, was-- Death? Did he grab Pipkin and-- run?!"
"Borrowed is more like it, perhaps to hold him for ransom," said Moundshroud.
"Can Death do that?"
"Sometimes, yes."
Published (then) by Bantum Books, Inc 666 Fifth Avenue  - New York, NY - USA - 10019
who are NOW Bantum Boubleday Dell 1540 Broadway - New York, NY - USA - 10036
This book is no longer in print but is worth the effort to locate
check out other books by Ray Bradbury at the website above


"Secrecy is the begining of tyranny."
from:  " The Notebooks of Lazarus Long"   by Robert Heinlein