
This is the TatChat pattern page. Here we present patterns that were designed by members of TatChat and who graciously make these patterns available to all of us.

the fine print:
as with everything on the web, please honor our designers and do NOT take their patterns out of our group, do NOT reprint them for publication elsewhere and do NOT make multiple copies to bring to your computerless friends, guilds or whatever. each pattern bears the designers name and copyright date. everyone is just an email away, so if you would like to use their patterns for something else, like a class or such, just ask them for permission.

NEW: Sophie by Lyn of Tatting & Design

Mini Cross by Eliz
Mini Hearts by Eliz
Hen and Chick Cross by Barbara Tozzano
Heart by Betsy
Bracelet by Debbie
Butterfly by Lenore
Snowflake by Maus (Harper's)
Bookmark by Lenore
Parrot Bookmark pattern by Mary Parrott!
Beth's Tatting Shuttle (cloverleaves)
Eliz' Scissors Finder (split rings)
Debbie's Tatting Shuttle ( split rings, catherine wheel)
Eliz's Tatting Shuttle (shuttle only, shuttle and ball, rickrack)

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for page design and content: contact Maus