In Loving Memory

Knight I
Protector to Jose I

Sir Colton L. Fenne

A knight is sworn to valor; 
His heart knows only virtue;
His blade defends the helpless; 
His might upholds the weak;
His word speaks only truth; 
His wrath undoes the wicked."

Code of King Arthur

On September 29, 1999, a brave and noble knight went forth to take up a new sword and,amidst the angels, became The Protector of All in the International Imperial Court System.

Sir Colton L. Fenne 
serves as the epitomy of graciousness, kindness, love, innocence, and strength to all of us in our quest to aide and universally unite our fellow man.

From this dayforward, this site shall be dedicated with love to his honour.

The Crystal White Tiger Emperor XXIV of Orange County
Butterwhip Birdie Whipher' Moore Judd-Buffet


Anyone desiring to add a dedication or message please forward to 
[email protected] or [email protected] and it shall be posted. 

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