Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine

Basic Facts Qualities Manufacture Safety

Hexametylene triperoxide diamine are usually manufactured by treating Hexametylene tetramine (urotropin) with Hydrogen peroxide in prescense of citric acid, who prometes the reaktion by bonding the Ammonia that are released during this. Make sure that you have read and understand the safety precautions. Besides the Citric acid Method, there are also the Acetic acid Method wich works in allmost the same way as the Citric acid method.
Citric Acid Method

Apron, disposabel gloves, protection-goggles.
250 ml beaker, 150 ml erlingmeyer. Glass funnel, filtration paper.
thermometer, scale.

30%-35% Hydrogen Peroxide(aq), H2O2
Citric Acid
Sodiumchlorate, NaCl

1. Pour 65 ml hydrogen peroxide into the beaker, and add 20 grams of hexamethyletetramine
Make sure that everything solves.

2. This next reaction is exothermic so it has to be cooled. Make a cold bath with ice and
a small amount of sodiumchlorate. Then put the beaker in the ice-bath.

3. Add 30 grams of citric acid slow, and in small amounts. From this moment, the temperature must not raise over 30 C. The HMTD begin to form after a period of time, and if the temperature exceeds 30 C, a dangerous reaction will occur , in wich all the hexamethylenetetramine will melt and disintegrate. There is a chance that the formed HMTD will explode.

4. Let the HMTD form for about 2-3 hours. Then filter the mixture and rince carefully in a lot of water. Place the crystals in an Erlingmeyer with 100 ml 2-propanone. Swing the Erlingmeyer carefully, and filter the crystalls. Dry the crystals in room temperature.

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