The Darion B. and Anthony K. Page!

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This page tells why Darion Bonnet and Anthony Karabetyan suck, because everyone needs to know!


Darion really SUCKS! Darion looks ugly, his teeth are crooked, and he has a REALLY big nose, about the size of a cucumber. He's really stupid, and he gets F's in all of his classes. He tries to act like Butt-Head by saying "You said balls!" or just going "Wood." He's a BIG pussy, so weak that 5th graders can kick his ass. He was so bad at foot-ball, he never even made a tackle the entire season, not even in PRACTICE! The only reason he can run so fast is because all the gay guys chased after him, and it took about 5 or 6 butt encounters for him to speed up.

List of Why Darion Sucks:

This is what Darion the Ugly Bonnet looks like.


Anthony also really SUCKS! He is really fat, and he talks about how fat other people are. He thinks he's cool, but he isn't. He (not me) always asks people for food, and when he gets it he pigs it down. (Thats why he's so fat!) He is also really stupid, and he cheats in alot of his classes. When he uses his muscles, he either farts or makes a fart sound. He always talks about how big his dick and balls are and how girls want it, but all the girls at school hate him and think he's annoying. He always wears sweat pants and cheap baggy clothes probably because the others ripped or because he doesn't want people to think he's too fat.

List of Why Anthony Sucks:

As you can see, Anthony really is fatter then Duane.

Darion and Anthony said these guys were my friends. Well guess what? THEY'RE RIGHT!!! Those guys are DARION and ANTHONY!

My Final Thoughts:

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Last Updated 5/6/98 @ 5:32 pm.