If you would like to submit your Doomed Space as "Spooky House of the Month" simply Email me with the
following information:
Your name or online alias
Your email address
The url for your homepage (if you have one)
Pictures of your doomed house, either as attachments or the url where I can find said photos. I am allowing up to 5 pictures per house. They can either be 5 pictures of the same room, or 5 different rooms in a house or apartment. (or any combination thereof) ALSO! Please try to include at least one picture with you in it!
A brief description of each photograph.
If your house is chosen as "Spooky House of the Month"
I will notify you via email, and send you one of the spiffy awards below to display on your homepage!
So, start sending in those submissions!
If your house is chosen as "Spooky House of the Month" you will get one of these nifty spooky house awards to display on your homepage. Below are the colors to choose from. The actual award you will get sent will say "Enter If You Dare! Spooky House of the Month _____ 2001"