Riddle or Poem Jokes
What is it?
Schwartznegger has a big one
Michael J. Fox has a small one
Madonna doesn't have one
The POPE has one but doesn't use it
Clinton uses his all the time
Mickey Mouse has an unusual one
George Burns' was hot
Liberace NEVER used his on women
Jerry Seinfeld is very very proud of his
We never saw Lucy use Desi's
What is it? . . . . . A last name....... Were you thinking of something else?
One fine day in the middle of the night,
two dead boys got up to fight;
back to back they faced each other,
drew their swords and shot each other.
The deaf policeman heard the noise,
and came and shot those two dead boys.
If you don't believe this lie is true,
ask the blind man, he saw it too!