todaloft Take me up to the loft and..well...take me!
amusing - Hitchcock. That was amusing, wasn't it?
anykey - Homer. To start, hit any key. Where is the anykey?
ashole - Pardon my french, but you are.....
badges - We don't need no Stinkin' badges!
balls - Jim Carrey (I�think). They are showing.
bastrd - Vivian from The Young Ones being succinct in his opinion.
beaut - John Cleese. I�don't know what he's selling, but "blood-caked walls"???
beliefs - Dr. Who. Go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me I�am not mistaken in mine.
bite - What we ALL�have to do now and then.
boing1 - Boing! Boing, boing, boing!
cnclsn - Dr. Who. After reaching that brilliant conclusion, how about getting on with it?
cnn - This is CNN
cyrano - Shatner. I�thank you!
destroy - I�MUST�DESTROY�YOU!!!
dirtyrat - Cagney. What else?
espresso - Where you going?�I�was going to make espresso....
excuseme - Steve Martin. EXCUUUUUUUUUSE MEEEEEEEE!
getcha - Wizard Of Oz. I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog, too!
greatoz - Wiizard Of Oz. The Great Oz has spoken!
hadbrain - Wizard Of Oz. What would you do with a brain if you had one?�
holdit - Hold it! What the h*ll is THAT�****?!
lucy2 - Shatner singing (sort of) "Lucy In The Sky". Yikes!
mad - They say I am crazy! But I am not the one who is crazy! I am the one who is MAADDD!!!
makemydy - Clint. Doin' his thing.
malfnctn - What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?
manson - Charles Manson at his eloquent best.
masonic - John Cleese's opinion of the Masons.
master - Dr. Who. You must obey me! I�am the master! I!�I!�I!
master2 - Master of all matter!!!
mindwork - Dr. Who. Your mind is beginning to work. But you mustn't take any credit.
misdial�- Fat fingers? Mash the keyboard.
necroman - Alfred Hitchcock. Good evening fellow necromaniacs.
no4911 - Homer Simpson. Whats the number for 911?
nympho - Will all nymphomaniacs please report to the main room for playtime?
obvious - Dr. Who. I should have thought that was quite obvious.
pigs - Young Ones. Neil, in uniform saying, "Open up! Its the pigs!"
pizzaguy - Oh, I�forgot my pants!
scumbag - Whats your name, scumbag?
shatdesp - Shatner. I think its Shakespeare. I hope its not.
soupnazi - No soup for you!
srvitude - Lily Tomlin. How may I, in all servitude, be of assistance?
swlovin�-�South Park. I just gave you sweet lovin' five minutes ago. You tryin' to kill me?
tambman - Shatner. Mr. Tambourine man...uh...Mr. Tambourine man?!
treatme - Gomer Pyle, USMC. You treat me bad and I'll ingore ya!
wish - Wish I had one. You know.
wr912 - Simpsons. Moe telling some unlucky caller he dialed the wrong number for 911.
yoeoh - Wizard Of Oz. Something to chant as you go off to work.
prsucks - The truth of our time. Prodigy sucks.
here to make a suggestion. If I find it, I will post it. If you're REALLY