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Doctors, Doctors: Are You Paying Attention?

Doctors have been around for about two thousand years. Death and agony have consistently followed in their wake. Undeniably, the vast majority of their patients have gotten worse and/or died. Just before President Clinton finished his second term of office, he issued an executive order permanently banning handwritten prescriptions in all federally-funded hospitals when it was revealed that up to 300,000 Americans were being killed every year, even up until 2000 just from wrong medications being administered and accidental overdoses!

THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND per year! Hundreds of families per day being shattered by negligence and sloppy handwriting alone, day after day, year after year. It is vitally important to at least 80% of all Americans to be keenly aware of this. We know that 80% of us will consult at least one doctor within any twenty-four month period.

Sadly, dissemination of this unpleasant hard reality causes many people to confuse personality or opinion with factual issues. Many doctors, perhaps even a majority, are genuinely caring people who wish to save lives. Few of us would doubt this.

It doesn't change the fact that, after twenty-five consecutive years of schooling and training, doctors are given a license to do what? That's right, practice medicine. There is a difference between practicing something, and achieving something. When we fit this comparison to medicine, the phrase "life and death" applies in the most literal sense. With this comparison, it becomes easier to understand why, after two thousand years, we still use the word "practice."

Doctors rarely go on strike. When they do, the death rate drops enormously. To the wit who claimed it's only because there's no one around to sign the death certificates, we remind them of a couple of simple, scary facts.

  1. More than four thousand Americans died from wrong medication or misdiagnosis in American hospitals… in the past week. This number has been repeated, on average, every week for too many years now. Just from wrong medication or misdiagnosis.

  2. Insurance actuaries assign malpractice insurance rates based in part on the frequency of their company having to pay out to victims of malpractice. The astronomical rise in malpractice insurance rates for doctors is directly related to the equally great rise in the dollars paid out by insurance companies - to victims of malpractice, the third in this trilogy of rising numbers.

What do you call the med student who graduates last in medical school? Think very, very carefully about your own health, and quality of life here as you understand that he or she who graduates last in his or her medical class is called "Doctor." This man or woman, along with the other forty-eight percent of those who graduate at the bottom half of their class, will make decisions that you'll tolerate, which as often as not contribute to how long and how well you and your children live on this earth. Isn't your life, and the life of your child, important enough for YOU to be the captain of your ship? We're not saying to excommunicate your doctor; simply get yourself, and then your doctor, to understand that you require control of your medical destiny.

The moment you take this control back, you instantly add time to your life. You see, among a host of other benefits, you'll no longer need to have a worried-looking doctor telling you you're eating too much fatty meat, or smoking a bit too much. As your own doctor for all but traumatic injuries, you'll monitor yourself with more knowledge, less stress, and therefore better long-term prospects.

If you have piles of money, you can afford to have a doctor in the upper fifty percent of his or her class, which produces only a mildly better chance of your benefiting from them. The downside is, the more you pay for your doctor's services, the more you know that money is his or her motivator. How bemusing, even sad that our most honored medicos are NOT those who earn million-dollar incomes, rather, those who invest up to half or more of their time into helping at inner city clinics and other forms of service.
      What does it say about the others?

Those who wish to be financially wealthy should be a part of the merchant class, not medical class. Each time I see a doctor in a Benz, with that hundred-dollar vanity license plate, I grieve for the thousands of children who will die in the next twenty-four hours from starvation and malnutrition. That hundred-dollar vanity would feed, clothe and medicate five starving children for a month. Children who don't have to die, if that money-loving moron wasn't more concerned with impressing his neighbors than with saving lives. Just imagine how many children's lives he'd save if he drove a used, reliable two or three-thousand dollar car, and sent the other eighty thousand or more to Save The Children, CCF, or Habitat for Humanity to help people build their own homes.


I've earned a dollar an hour, and eighteen hundred dollars per hour, and I still derive enormous pleasure from the same foods I ate back at a buck an hour: pastas, vegetables, fruits, chocolate, cashews, etc. Maybe that's part of how I've disproved all those doctors who told me that a functional life was beyond me. How many times I've laughed, tooling down at a country highway at considerable speed on one of my motorcycles, or swimming at the beach with childlike laughing. Surgeon after surgeon after surgeon told me I'd never get out of a wheelchair no matter WHAT they, we, or I did. Yet, I've managed to function pretty independently for ten years beyond those dire prognoses, and beyond.

When you see how doctors and medical professors seminally disagree on the most basic, simple life-extending methods and treatment, from low-fat/hi-carb, or low-this and high-that, to the simple task of breathing better, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee: you need to find out what's best for you, what has worked consistently for other successful people, and then duplicate the effort, knowing that there are virtually no known exceptions to the axiomatic truth that duplicating an effort leads to duplicating the result. It's how you repeat every single successful task from birth to death. Think about it. Don't just read and run past. Think about it.

You see, ladies and gentlemen, we all have high-powered shortcuts available to us that will instantaneously guide you toward a far healthier life, adding both quantity and quality to your personal existence. In every case, their effects are also generally experienced immediately, as well as for the long term.

They've been practiced for literally thousands of years by people who live longer and better. They are the horse's mouth because the best teachers are NOT those who know better; it's those who DO better. If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, which end of the horse are you getting it from? Old wives' tales actually tend to be about as worthwhile as the information touted as "the most current scientific data available." Every single year of your life, you can find "solid scientific data" that utterly belies what was "solid scientific data" as recently as a year earlier. Doesn't this give you a hint you want to heed?

Only a few things have never changed for those who live long and well, physically.
  1. They do not get all bent out of shape in life's ongoing disasters and challenges. They accept, and focus on resolution rather than resentment and complaint. The identical brain energy used to focus on the problem is persistently channeled into the solution.

    No matter what doctors, professors or researchers tell you, we have known for thousands of years that the absolute number one cause of death on earth is stress. It is identifiably the single greatest cause of heart problems, back problems, gastrointestinal disorders, skin problems, and more.

    Even diabetes, although passed on genetically every third generation (and sometimes even more often) is developed by many people as a direct result of stress and the dangerous chemicals that the body produces as a direct result of stress. Bet your bottom dollar that ulcers are NOT caused by what you eat, rather by what's eating YOU. Dr. Sarno and so many others have conclusively proven with, get this -- thousands of individual patients - that literally 99% of all back problems are caused by stinking thinking. Stop thinking your doctor is God; she's NOT; he's NOT. Better to learn more from those who are living longer and better lives, right?

  2. They drink more water than you do. Only air is more important than water.  Period.

  3. They tend to breathe more intelligently than you do. I continue to smoke ten home-rolled cigarettes a day and I can still blow a match out, with my mouth open, from a full eighteen inches away. When I exhale, I do so thoroughly, ridding myself of far more toxins than five nonsmokers who don't breathe correctly. I take in more oxygen, my brain functions more efficiently AND creatively, which is why, since re-adopting this practice, I've been able to learn to play and compose for piano, guitar, and harmonica; create at least ten to twenty new columns and essays every week, along with 45 to 48 other REGULAR activities per week where my output is no less than ten times what yours is. I'm not smarter than you; I simply breathe more.

Every baby born knows how to breathe: all the way out; all the way in. By the age of 12 or so, when we become so keenly psycho-socio-sexually aware of ourselves, our breathing patterns are pitiful. An observable analogy might be the seven-year-old, who, hearing the teacher ask a question, is straining in the seat with arms waving, URGENTLY needing to display his or her knowledge to the teacher. At age 12, that same child is still sticking that arm in the air, the enthusiasm is muted by that unvoiced concern, "Oh, gee, I hope I don't get it wrong in front of anyone" (refer to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs: not being made a fool of is more important to us than a half-dozen other seemingly vital needs). By age 17, when the teacher asks that question, both of the student's hands are firmly tucked into the armpits, concomitant with the thought, "ooooh, no; I'm not making a fool of MYSELF in front of the class."

The analogy to breathing is made because we're so hung up on what other people think that we literally prioritize their opinion over our own well-being. When the boss or company is coming, you rush to make the house neat, and yourself presentable. When was the last time you rushed to make the house nice for your kids or spouse to come home to a thoroughly presentable environment? Yeah. Right.

We relinquish control over the most crucial functions in subservience to other people's opinions, and that is literally killing thousands and thousands and more thousands of Americans every month. Re-teaching yourself how to breathe properly is the first, and by far most effective shortcut you can take towards adding to the quantity and quality of your life. Exhale completely, and inhale completely. If you're that challenged by this vitally urgent requirement for a healthy life, challenged at the thought and deed of breaking out of your (ridiculously uncomfortable) comfort zone, then try one simple device and reap the benefits instantly, and within a day or two, measurably.

The device? It's called PRACTICE!!!

This very minute, before you even make a commitment to do it ten times per day, start with once; start with the first occasion in too long. Right now, as you read this, force all of the air out of your lungs. When you think your lungs are empty… think again; there are still AT LEAST two quarts of air left in your lungs that are dirty and in life-saving need of being replaced NOW.

Keep pushing that air out. Keep pushing. Believe me, no matter how empty you think your lungs are, you can find more to push out…. And if you were offered a hundred grand to push more air out of your lungs than five other contestants next to you, you'll amaaaaaze yourself with how much exhalation you're capable of.

OK, you've hit the point of being certain that there's no more air in your lungs. Slowly, and evenly, breathe allllllll the way in now, through your nose, refilling your lungs. That's it!!!

Just once is all you're asked to do. Once. In an hour or so, do it again. Obviously, it's best to do this outside, where you're getting fresh air. Never mind all that city pollution: it's far healthier than the air you haven't even been breathing by virtue of the insanely shallow breaths you've been taking for years!! Doing it inside, however, is fine, as long as you're not in a room filled with smoke or chemical vapors.

If I were you, I'd be getting very excited, because, having read this far, it means you DO care enough to want to glean benefits from shortcuts, and guess what? This one PowerGem brings a slew of benefits you haven't even guessed at.

A) Engaging in proper respiration INSTANTLY boosts several brain functions, and for those who actually do a full respiration ten times per day for the next 22 days? You will find that your thinking is clearer, faster, and by a powerful measure, more creative. This never fails, it works for one hundred percent of the people one hundred percent of the time. Yes, the more you breathe in and out per each lung function or lung cycle, the higher your intelligence grows.

Nothing changes the fact that, from the precise day that I began breathing a bit more the way I did in my first year of life, my mind and body have responded far beyond what any examiner thought was viable, let alone likely.

B) Your brain requires only two forms of food: tiny amounts of glucose, and enormous amounts of oxygen. The more oxygen you feed the brain on a consistent basis, the more it produces for you. When you understand that your brain is working considerably faster, more creatively, and more efficiently, you never want to go back. Unfortunately, we are human, so we require a habit before it becomes second nature. Breathe all the way out, breathe all the way in, and watch the results. One great way to measure it is to write down a whacky wish you might have, and try to produce twenty ideas per day on it for five days. Practice better breathing for 22 days, and then try the "whacky wish"  test again.        

You'll be astonished.

In every single case, with every single human, astonishing results.

Your ideas will not only be more plentiful, and faster to appear, more importantly the very quality of your ideas will exceed all but your wildest imaginings.

As always, you need not take our word for it. Do it every day for even a week, and you are unconditionally guaranteed to get better and better results. By then, you'll have learned and gleaned OTHER benefits of this phenomenal shortcut.     Go for it!!

"A Physician can bury his mistakes, an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines."
Frank Lloyd Wright


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