HostelsAll educational establishments provides the student with lodging in a relevant hostel. Almost all the hostels are either located in the premises of the educational establishment or nearby.
Usually two students are accommodated in one room. Normal costs are from 150$ to 225$ per year. All hostels contain the following: Central heating system, electricity, common kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and running hot & cold water. The student rooms are equipped with the following : Chair, study table, wardrobe, bed, bed linen & pillow. (bed linen is changed twice a month).
Alternative Hostels can be provided. The prices depend on the quality of the hostel.
A)450$ per year
B)350$ per year
Hotel Type hostels (living alone)
Type A - 1500$ per year
Type B - 1000$ per year
Sharing (2 people in double room)
Type A - 900$ per person per year
Type B - 700$ per person per year
In additional we can help students to get telephone lines installed in their hostel rooms and arrange a room for female students in a female only block. Also we can arrange marriage quarters if required.
All student hostels have 24-hour security provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Police).
If for some reason the student wishes to live in an apartment the EDIS will help them find one or any other alternative. A modest one room apartment costs around 100-140$ per month whereas a two room will set you back about 130-190$ per month in the outskirts of the city.
A European standard Apartment can be rented at the following rates: One room - 190-220$ Two rooms - 290 - 340$ 3 Rooms - 490 - 540$
*Please note that the prices given here are subject to change due to market conditions. In order to book you a place in one of the hostels we would need at least 3 months advance notice
Please inform us in advance if you request an apartment or contact the following real estate agents:
For further information please Contact us