M.Sc., Ph.D. Student in Computer Engineering
             Working in the field of            Fault-Tolerant Computer Systems

Name: Roger MAALOUF 
Date of birth: 01.09.1973 
Nationality: Lebanese 
Free from military obligation. Driving licence.
Available work permit for France and Sweden
Permanent address : 
11, rue August Dupouy
29000 Quimper-France
Current address :
Gibraltargatan 86-539
41279 Göteborg-Sweden

Jun 98-present



Ph.D. student in Chalmers University Computer Engineering Department.
The goal of the research is to study and develop efficient error detection mechanisms for a FADEC (Full Authority Electronic Control) jet-engine controller. The error detection mechanisms (EDMs) will be implemented in an experimental system and evaluated by a fault injection tool that will be designed using Ada and Visual C++. The experimental system consists of two microprocessor boards, which both use the Motorola MC68340 microprocessor. I have the responsibility of the fault injection tool design using Ada and Visual C++, and the carry of extensive fault injection experiments. 
The project is carried out in collaboration with Volvo Aero Corporation. 

Université de Technologie de Compiègne-France 
Mechanical Engineering degree, specialising in Electromechanical Actuators and Robotisation (electrical machines, power-electronics, robots, electrical applications for industry). Common Trunk, the DEUTEC (Diplôme d'études Universitaire de Technologie). 

Lycée Saint-Jean Douai-France. Baccalaureat (scientific option) with honours. 

July 1997-
March 1998

(6 months)

1995 (1 month)
1993 (5 weeks)


Final project in Göteborg-Sweden on IRIS Europeen project (Improvement of Robot Industrial Standardisation), handled by the University of CHALMERS in collaboration with DASSAULT AVIATION, KRYPTON, IPK etc... Detailed study and investigation on robot applications in order to determine the parameters that affect the robot performances and the quality of the final result. Design and simulation of an IBM SCARA assembly cell with Robcad

SNR Roulements Annecy-France. 
(A sister company of Renault car industry). Working experience in the Central Metrology Departement. Analysis of reckoning methods and achievement of computer program for dimensional control on bearings. 

ROUSSEL UCLAF  Compiègne-France. Assembly line operator. 
BOURJOIS-CHANEL Compiègne-France. Training period on the assembly line, dealing with all the steps of production. 

In Sweden:  Lab assistant at Chalmers in Ada programming, 12h/week. Teacher for Environment & Earth Evolution course in a secondary school, 2h/week.
In France:  Supervisor for secondary school students, 6h/week during 1 year. Steward in the Theatre Complex of Compiègne, 10h/week during 1 year. 



French/Lebanese (mother tongue), English (fluent), some Swedish. 
Good experience in Windows95/NT and Unix environments. Good knowledge of many software packages: Microsoft Office, Adobe, Macromedia...
Programming experiences in: Turbo Pascal, Matlab, Assembly, Ada, C/Visual C++ (beginner), some robotics languages (AML, TDL). Simulation with Robcad software.

Good knowledge in mechanics for cars, electrical generators and diesel motors.

Mountain Biking, hang-glider, squash. 
Photography Black & White , Theatre (a former member of a theatrical group). 
Electrical guitar (a former member of a Rock & Roll band).