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About me: Check my resume

My Master of Science thesis

During 8 months, I did my final studies project (Ex-jobb in Swedish) in CHALMERS robotics laboratory "CRL" in Gothenburg.
Here is some extracts from the work that I have carried out, and which is related to the IRIS "Improvement of Robots Industrial Standardisation" European project:
-Some important definitions  in robotics.
-Some applications in robotics: Assembly,Material handling.
-Robotics design and 3D simulation with ROBCAD.

My current work

I am a Ph.D. student in the Computer Engineering department of Chalmers University.
The goal of the research is to study and develop efficient error detection mechanisms for a FADEC (Full Authority Electronic Control) jet-engine controller. The error detection mechanisms (EDMs) will be implemented in an experimental system and evaluated by a fault injection tool. The experimental system consists of two microprocessor boards, which both use the Motorola MC68340 microprocessor. I have the responsibility of the fault injection tool design using Ada and Visual C++, and the carry of extensive fault injection
experiments. The project is carried out in collaboration with Volvo Aero Corporation.

Institutionen för datorteknik
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, 412 96 Göteborg
Telefon: 031-772 16 67,  fax: 031-772 36 63
E-Mail: [email protected]