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MMT Overview

Quality Education, in your own place, at your own pace...


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The World economic scenario is rapidly changing. Many small countries are getting empowered losing heir dependence on the traditional economic forces that used to control them. The Philippines is one such country. It is currently experiencing an economic boom. Construction and development are moving at an enprecedented pace.

Foreign and local companies are investing huge amounts of capital into the economy not only in the traditional urban centers but also in the countryside. Technology is the biggest factor in the developments that are sweeping the world. Previous business and management practices which were extremely successful in the past are rapidly facing competition in forms and situations that never existed before.

Management is evolving so fast that practices, even current ones are being threatened with obsolescence before they can even established. Institutions have to adjust to these trends. Programs have to be more relevant. It is a time to change. John F. Kennedy once stated "those that live in the past and the present cannot be ready for the future". In De La Salle Lipa, we live the future now

De La Salle Lipa is an educational institution strategically located in the heart of the most populated province, of the most populated region in the Philippines today. It caters to the educational needs of a growing population in the center of the major government developmental thrust in the Southern Tagalog region – the CALABARZON project.

There is a shortage of experience and skilled management practitioners in the area that many employees are recruited from Manila or even abroad. The increasing demand for masteral graduates at home with technology cannot be matched by the current output of the educational system.

De La Salle Lipa has been traditionally a net contributor of trained manpower. It intends to be an active resource for young men and women needed by the rapidly developing economies of Batangas, Region IV and the Philippines. It has a track record of performance in various educational fields that has placed it among the most prestigious schools of the region.

De La Salle Lipa is part of the network of De La Salle institutions that continue the tradition of excellence, community spirit and relevance.

Strategic Directions

De La Salle Lipa seeks to direct the students in the formulation of a professional philosophy that embodies the Christian Catholic ideals. It aspires to develop mature and competent professionals who are fully equipped and committed, sensitive and responsive to the needs of their communities, proud of their Filipino culture and heritage, strong advocates peace and justice, respectful of human dignity, socially and ecologically responsible.

De La Salle Lipa is committed to the pursuit of academic excellence, educational relevance, lay empowerment, social responsibility and Christian values.

Master in Management Technology

Master in Management Technology program is the first Masteral Program of its kind in the Philippines,   program is a graduate level management business course with a specialization towards techno-logy and its applications.  The MMT program is a management program that provides  its students with the competitive edge of core management training plus  the use of technology relevant in business. The end product would be a graduate who would have the skills expected o fexperienced managers including familiarity and knowledge of computers and other technologies.




Up Academic Guidelines MMT Overview DLSL History Graduate School Links Soon to Open Facilities Reservation

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This web site was created by Levinia B. Silva as a requirement for the SITE Course.


Submitted to:

Prof. Benedict L. Avila

SITE Professor



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This page was modified last: 08/17/1999

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