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Graduate School

Quality Education, in your own place, at your own pace...

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Master in Management Technology program

is the first Masteral Program of its kind in the Philippines.


MMT  is a graduate level management business course with a specialization towards technology and its applications. The MMT program is a management program that provides its students with the competitive edge of core management training, plus the use of technology relevant in business. The end product would be a graduate who would have the skills expected of experienced managers with familiarity and knowledge of computers and other technologies. The program is 48 units divided into: Foundation courses (9 units), Core courses (21 units), Technology electives (12 units), and the Management Technology Report (6 units). The program was approved by the Commission on Higher Education in May 1996. It can be completed in eighteen months.

click the buttons at the left side to view the students profiles, schedules,

alumni and other links...



Up Academic Guidelines MMT Overview DLSL History Graduate School Links Soon to Open Facilities Reservation

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This web site was created by Levinia B. Silva as a requirement for the SITE Course.


Submitted to:

Prof. Benedict L. Avila

SITE Professor



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This page was modified last: 08/17/1999

You may send your comments to  [email protected]