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DLSL History

Quality Education, in your own place, at your own pace...

De La Salle Lipa belongs to the third generation of schools founded by the De La Salle Brothers in the Philippines. The mother school, De La Salle University, Manila, was opened in 1911. The second foundation did not come into being until 1952 when La Salle College was established in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental.

The third group of foundations is composed of La Salle Academy (Iligan City, Lanao del Norte) in 1958, a Salle Greenhills (Mandaluyong) in 1959, St. Joseph's High School (Villamonte, Bacolod City) in 1960 and lastly, De La Salle Lipa in 1962.

The school was built on a 5.9 hectare lot along the National Highway. Financed by interest-free loans from Caltex and Shell corporations, construction of three one-storey wings of classrooms, a gymnasium- Auditorium and the Brothers' House began on 29 January 1962.

The new school was blessed on 10 June 1962 by Bishop Alejandro Olalia in the presence of visiting Superior General, Bro. Nicet, Auxiliary Visitor Bro. Gabriel Connon and City Mayor Miguel Lina. During its first year, De La Salle Lipa had to operate as the Boys’ Department of the Maryknoll Sisters’ Our Lady of the Rosary Academy (OLRA). As the Maryknoll Sisters were phasing out OLRA’s Boy’s Department, 221 students were admitted from first to fourth year.

Three Brothers and seven lay teachers composed the first staff of the school. Brother Henry Virgil was the first Director and Principal.

On its second year of operations, the school obtained a temporary permit to operate as La Salle High School. After one year and seven months of guiding the fledgling institution, Bro. Virgil died of a heart attack on 22 September 1963. Bro. Hugh Damian took his place and held the helm for the next two years. The school population more than doubled during its fourth year of operations. This necessitated the construction of the two-storey St. Joseph’s Hall during the administration of Bro. Frederick Martin (now Bro. Raymond Bronowicz) in 1967.

While OLRA continued to send its boys into La Salle, a large percentage of students towards the end of the decade began to come from the various public elementary schools around the city. Thus, to better prepare students for the high school, the elementary grades were opened in 1967, with Bro. Vernon Mabile as Principal. Meanwhile, Bro. Rafael Donato arrived to become Director and Principal in 1969. It was during his term that the new school seal was designed. The tradition of staging an annual school fair was also begun.

After Bro. Rafael Donato’s departure for La Salle Greenhills in 1970, Bro. Crisanto Moreno became the Principal. Bro. Gregory Refuerzo was the Director. During the term of the two in office, a new library and a sports complex were constructed. The façade was improved and wooden bleachers inside the gymnasium were constructed. The school became known as De La Salle ng Lipa. Girls were first accepted in schoolyear 1973-74, when Bro. Emilio Hudtohan was Principal. The girls, however, were limited to the first and second year levels. The short term of Bro. Antonio Narciso, who was deputy while Bro. Emilio Hudtohan was out of the country, was marked by a tragedy during a Biological trip of third year students to Puerto Galera in Mindoro. The principal’s secretary was among the three fatalities of a boating accident.

It was also during the term of Bro. Antonio Narciso that the school’s incorporation papers and by-laws were amended. The school was officially registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as De La Salle Lipa, Inc.

An attempt at securing PAASCU accreditation was made during the term of Bro.Jaime de Guzman. His term of office is remembered for the construction of the four grade school classrooms which would eventually be known as the Immaculate Conception Hall. During the term of Bro. Samuel Bueser late in the seventies, a modified split-schedule for freshmen and sophomores was implemented to accommodate the growing student population. Enrolment had soared to 1,200. The Utility Building, later to become the Tertiary School’s Faculty Room, was constructed. Another effort was made to gain PAASCU accreditation, but this, along with moves to open a College Department, came to fruition after Bro. Samuel Bueser’s term was completed.

In schoolyear 1982-83, De La Salle Lipa received its first PAASCU accreditation. Bro. Eugenio Tianco was the Principal, while Bro. Gregory Refuerzo returned to take up the Director’s position. During the schoolyear, an extension to the library was constructed along with an office for guidance counseling. Also, what would be called the Immaculate Conception Hall was completed during the summer. Bro. Jaime Dalumpines was appointed Principal in 1983. Because of recommendations contained in the PAASCU report, reforms were instituted. The two-year old split schedule for freshmen and sophomores was scrapped. Administration was decentralized and Year Level Moderators were introduced for improved student supervision.

Tragedy struck on 20 January 1984 when the gym was burned. It was reconstructed almost immediately after, with new concrete bleachers on the east side of the playing court. There was better news on the educational front where the administration strove for greater excellence. A functional Board of Trustees was organized as stipulated by the Amended Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. The Religious Education Center and its adjunct, the Campus Ministry Office, were established in 1984. The Educational Technology Center was also created.

In schoolyear 1984-85, the College Department was formally opened, with former High School Academic Assistant Mrs. Elsie Rabago appointed as Officer-in-Charge. The Grade School Department had to be phased out, albeit in hindsight the phasing out turned out to be no more than a temporary move.

Bro. Jaime Dalumpines went on to complete a 5-year term, the last of which was schoolyear 1987-88. He left soon afterwards for Canada for further studies, and was replaced by Bro. Edgardo Jayme. The latter stayed for only a few months and left the school — as well as the Brothers — in midterm. The Provincial, Bro. Rafael Donato, came to meet with school administrators so that contingency measures might be undertaken. As a result of the meeting, Ms. Norma Blanco was appointed Acting Principal, assisted up by a council made up of the Year Level Moderators and the Department Heads.

A new era was ushered in when Blanco was formally appointed as the first lay principal of the school the following May. The position had erstwhile been given only to the Brothers. Thus, Blanco, was given the opportunity to usher the school into the final decade of the millennium.

During Blanco’s term, the 1100 wing was constructed to house the freshman classes. Also, the Elementary Department was reopened after a brief hiatus. Although initially the department only offered Kingergarten to Grade 1, all levels up to Grade 6 were subsequently made available.

Because of the rapid growth rate of the institution in the nineties, it became necessary in 1994 to appoint a resident president. The position was given to alumnus Bro. Narcisio Erguiza, who in 1974 was briefly assigned to the school but had spent most of his years as a De La Salle Brother elsewhere.

Erguiza, who would stay for two schoolyears, made little changes at first but also sought to reorganize the administrative structure. The major academic and service departments became known as "units" and their respective heads sat in the President’s Council, which met weekly.

During Erguiza’s first schoolyear in charge, Prof. Pablito Sarmiento, formerly head of the Religion Department, was appointed to the position of High School Principal while Blanco continued on as Principal of the Grade School. Mrs. Winnie Dimaano joined the two academic unit heads in the President’s Council in her capacity as Controller, as did Mrs. Mirla Sucaldito of the newly created Human Resource Development Office.

Another service unit, External Services, was activated in June 1994, Erguiza’s second schoolyear at the helm. Prof. Rex Torrecampo, formerly Social Science Department Head, was appointed to the position.

With Erguiza opting not to pursue graduate studies at the end of his second year in office, Bro. Rafael Donato was requested by Bro. Benildo, the Provincial, to become President of the school. The latter accepted and was officially installed in ceremonies held on 15 May 1995.

Under Donato’s term, De La Salle Lipa embarked on a massive physical plant development program which included the construction of by-now landmarks like the SENTRUM, the MTDC Building, the Chéz Avenir, the Unified School and Tertiary School Buildings and the Centen Sports Plaza.

Various innovations were also introduced. The elementary and secondary units were integrated into what would be known as the Unified School, with homerooms named after parishes, Philippine cities and cities around Southeast Asia and the Oceania region where De La Salle schools are located.

More course offerings were made available in the Tertiary School. A graduate program was offered for the first time in the school’s history. The school’s Master in Management Technology program, the first of its kind in the Philippines, combines business management with information technology.

From being a tiny provincial school in 1962, De La Salle Lipa has grown into a large learning institution with university ambitions. It meets the new millennium driven by its mission to serve the youth of the city, the province and the nation and equipped by a corps of educators who have pledged their lives to helping the institution bring to reality its motto LIVE THE FUTURE NOW!

for more information ... visit the De La Salle Lipa Official web site at www.lasalipa.edu.ph

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