Comedy Links

More Things I've Learned
Original spicing-up of lessons learned as one advances through life accumulating wisdom.
Put Me in, Coach !!!
Another original, this time follow the story of a young high school football player as he chases his dream.
A Brother Like That
Another original twist of a story where you can learn the true spirit of giving from an unselfish brother.
The Old Carpenter
Another original, an aberration of an story written to teach a lesson. In mine, someone else learns a little lesson 'bout messin'.
Instructions for Life
An original twisting of an inspirational email I received. I thought it was funny...
Things That I Have Learned
A personal take on a drippy email that was going around, I changed it to a Deep Thoughts style humor. Enjoy!!!
Beavis and Butthead
A great Beavis and Butthead page with all the stuff you would expect and more.
Saturday Night Live
Full of SNL stuff including a gigantic collection of classic video clips.
Chris Farley
A tribute to one of my favorite comedians, he will be missed.
Attack Cartoons
Some very funny comic strip type cartoons.

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