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All pictures are on my Celebrity CD which I offer at my auctions (I accept PayPal). There are no fake images on the CD. The classic actresses poll was closed on Sunday September 23rd, 2001. The winning movie star is Rita Hayworth. Click on her thumbnail to get the free picture. Enjoy the photographs and biographies.

Ava Gardner Bette Davis Grace Kelly Greta Garbo Ingrid Bergmann
Ava Gardner
born on December 24, 1922 in Grabtown, NC, USA, died on January 25, 1990. Her picture seen by MGM's East Coast talent executive, contract with MGM, acting classes, hundreds of publicity shots, bit parts in MGM Bs such as We Were Dancing, first starring role in Whistle Stop (1946), Showboat (1951), Mogambo (1953, by John Ford), The Barefoot Contessa (1954), Bhowani Junction (1956), autobiography Ava.
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Bette Davis
Ruth Elizabeth Davis was born on April 5, 1908 in Lowell, MA, USA, died on October 6, 1989. Enrolled in dramatic school, The Earth Between (1923), Broadway debut in Broken Dishes (1929), 1930 hired by Universal, 1932 signed a seven year deal with Warner Brothers, The Man Who Played God, Of Human Bondage (1934), Best Actress Academy Award for Dangerous and Jezebel, huge comeback in 1950, Oscar nomination for All About Eve (1950) and What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" (1962), while she was a genuine star in the 30's and 40's, the 50's and early 60's saw her in the midst of films which all lost money, 1977 the first female recipient of the American Film Institute's Life Achievement Award, 1979 Emmy for Strangers: The Story of a Mother and Daughter, autobiography The Lonely Life.
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Grace Kelly
born on November 12, 1929 in Philadelphia, PA, USA, died on September 14, 1982. In New York worked some as a model, debut on Broadway in 1949, moved to Southern California, first film Fourteen Hours (1951), High Noon (1952), Mogambo (1953, Oscar nomination as Best Supporting Actress), The Country Girl (1954, Oscar), Hitchcock blonde in Dial M for Murder, Rear Window (both 1954), and the delicious To Catch a Thief (1955), musical comedy High Society (1956), The Swan (1956), Princess of Monaco.
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Greta Garbo
Greta Lovisa Gustafson was born on September 18, 1905 in Stockholm, Sweden, died on April 15, 1990. Newspaper ads, film, Peter The Tramp (1920), won a scholarship in a Swedish drama school, The Atonement Of Gosta Berling (1923), Die Freudlose Gasse (1925), contract with MGM, first US film The Torrent (1925), Anna Christie (1930, Academy Award nomination), Mata Hari (1931), Anna Karenina (1935), Ninotchka (1939), 1954 Oscar for past unforgettable performances.
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Ingrid Bergman
born on August 29, 1915 in Stockholm, Sweden, died on August 29, 1982. Uncredited role in Swedish film Landskamp (1932), enrolled in the Swedish Royal Theatre but decided that stage acting was not for her, Munkbrogreven (1935), Intermezzo (1936), signed contract with MGM, Intermezzo (1939, remake), Casablanca (1942), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943, first Oscar nomination), Gaslight (1944, Oscar), Spellbound (1945), Bells of St. Mary's (1945), Stromboli (1949), Anastasia (1956, Oscar), Murder on the Orient Express (1974, Oscar), Autumn Sonata (1978, Academy Award nomination), A Woman Called Golda (1982, TV, Emmy Award), autobiography Ingrid Bergman: My Story. Mother of Isabella Rossellini.
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Marilyn Monroe Marlene Dietrich Maureen O'Hara Rita Hayworth Sophia Loren
Marilyn Monroe
Norma Jean Mortenson was born on June, 1 1926 in Los Angeles, CA, USA, died on August 5, 1968. At sixteen worked in aircraft plant and married a man she called Daddy; modeled swimsuits, natural-born brunette bleached her hair blonde, divorced in 1946, owned 200 books (including Tolstoy, Whitman, Milton), listened to Beethoven records, studied acting at the Actors' lab in Hollywood, took literature courses at UCLA, contract with 20th Century Fox, first film The Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1947), contract was lapsed, 1948 Columbia six-month contract, B movie Ladies of the Chorus (1948, sang two numbers), United Artists' Love Happy (1949, Groucho Marx), posed nude for the now famous calendar shot which was later to appear in Playboy magazine's first centerfold in 1953, The Asphalt Jungle (1950, MGM), All About Eve (1950, Fox), Don't Bother to Knock (1952), Niagara (1953) and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) launched her as a sex symbol superstar, How to Marry a Millionaire (1953), There's No Business Like Show Business (1954), The Seven Year Itch (1955), went to New York's Actors Studio, Bus Stop (1956), The Prince and the Showgirl (1957, Lawrence Olivier), Some Like It Hot (1959, Jack Lemmon), The Misfits (1961, Clark Gable), was fired from Fox's 1962, "accidental overdose" of pills. Two miscarriages.
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Marlene Dietrich
Marie Magdelene Dietrich von Losch was born on December 27, 1901 in Schöneberg, Germany, died on May 6, 1992. studied acting in school run by Max Reinhardt, first screen role, as a maid, in The Little Napoleon (1923), worked in both plays and films, The Blue Angel (1930), first Hollywood film Morocco (1930, Gary Cooper), Dishonored (1931), Shanghai Express, Blonde Venus (both 1932), The Scarlet Empress (1934), and The Devil Is a Woman (1935), highest paid actress of her time, numerous affairs with both men and women, comedic Western Destry Rides Again (1939), Seven Sinners (1940), The Flame of New Orleans (1941), The Spoilers (1942, costarring John Wayne), Kismet (1944). Toured extensively for the allied effort in World War II (had become a United States citizen). Postwar work was sporadic, Golden Earrings (1947), A Foreign Affair (1948), Stage Fright (1950, La Vie en Rose), Rancho Notorious (1952), Touch of Evil (1958), Judgment at Nuremberg (1961). During this time, Dietrich was more prominent as a cabaret entertainer, often performing songs in an unusual spoken/singing style. Paris When It Sizzles (1964), Just a Gigolo (1979).
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Maureen O'Hara
born on August 17, 1920 in Ranelagh, Dublin, Ireland. Red-haired and green-eyed, with a lovely complexion, sunny smile, and eyecatching figure, at 14 was receiving awards in festivals and drama contests, went to the London stage in 1938, screen debut in the British-made Kicking the Moon Around (1938), Jamaica Inn (1939, Alfred Hitchcock), Hollywood debut in The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), A Bill of Divorcement (1940), Dance, Girl, Dance (1940), How Green Was My Valley (1941), The Black Swan (1942, her first in Technicolor), This Land Is Mine, The Fallen Sparrow (both 1943), Buffalo Bill (1944), The Spanish Main (1945), Sentimental Journey, Do You Love Me? (both 1946), Sinbad the Sailor, Miracle on 34th Street (both 1947), Sitting Pretty (1948), The Forbidden Street (1949), Bagdad (1949), Comanche Territory (1950), Flame of Araby (1951), Rio Grande (1950, John Wayne), The Quiet Man (1952), Against All Flags (1952, Errol Flynn), Lady Godiva (1955),The Wings of Eagles (1957), Our Man in Havana (1960), The Parent Trap (1961), Spencer's Mountain (1963), McLintock! (1963). The Battle of the Villa Fiorita (1965), The Rare Breed (1966), How Do I Love Thee? (1970), Big Jake (1971), The Red Pony (1973), Only the Lonely (1991).
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Rita Hayworth
Margarita Carmen Cansino was born on October 17, 1918 in Brooklyn, NY, USA, died on May 14, 1987. Daughter of a Spanish dancer, started dancing at age 12, film debut in Crazy Diablo (1934), was working in Hollywood nightclubs at age 17, Under the Pampas Moon (1935), Only Angels Have Wings (1939), first big success The Strawberry Blonde (1941), her splendid dancing with Astaire in You'll Never Get Rich (1941) and You Were Never Lovelier (1942) made her a star, Cover Girl (1944), Gilda (1946) made her a superstar, The Lady From Shanghai (1948), Salome (1953), Miss Sadie Thompson (1953), Pal Joey (1957), Separate Tables (1958), They Came to Cordura (1959). From 1960 (age 42), early onset of Alzheimer's disease (undiagnosed until 1980) limited her powers. The Happy Thieves (1962), Circus World (1964), The Money Trap (1966), The Road to Salina (1971), and The Wrath of God (1972).
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Sophia Loren
Sofia Villani Scicolone was born on September 20, 1934 in Pozzuoli, Campania, Italy. Beauty contests, played a bit in the 1950 Federico Fellini film Variety Lights, Aida (1953), The Gold of Naples (1954), Too Bad She's Bad (1955), Lucky to Be a Woman (1956), Boy on a Dolphin (shot of a dripping wet Sophia), Legend of the Lost and The Pride and the Passion (all 1957), Houseboat (1958), The Black Orchid (1959), Heller in Pink Tights (1960), 1961 Academy Award for La Ciociara (Two Women), El Cid (1961), Boccaccio '70 (1962), The Condemned of Altona (1962), The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964), Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (1964), Marriage Italian-Style (1964, Oscar nomination), Lady L (1965), Arabesque (1966), Charlie Chaplin's A Countess From Hong Kong (1967), Mortadella (aka Lady Liberty), Man of La Mancha (both 1972), Cassandra Crossing (1977), A Special Day (1977), Mario Puzo's The Fortunate Pilgrim (1988), 1991 Academy Award for the whole of her career, Pret a Porter (1994), autobiography Sophia: Living and Loving in 1979.
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Ingrid Bergman famous star and Marilyn Monroe Universal Studios stars or female models in swimsuit roles or Rita Hayworth bikini photos at TV visit auction movies and Marlene Dietrich auctions with cinema girls and lovely ladies on CD more CDs
Softi07 Girls Poll
Who is your favorite classic actress?
  votes ratio
 1.)  Ava Gardner 3   3%
 2.)  Bette Davis 3   3%
 3.)  Grace Kelly 10   9%
 4.)  Greta Garbo 1   1%
 5.)  Ingrid Bergmann 9   8%
 6.)  Marilyn Monroe 26   25%
 7.)  Marlene Dietrich 1   1%
 8.)  Maureen O'Hara 4   4%
 9.)  Rita Hayworth 27   25%
 10.)  Sophia Loren 22   21%
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Votes:  106

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