Results of Vote with high quality, hot, sexy pictures of american, italian, german, australian  television stars

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voting and ranking with hot, sexy, nude, naked pics of celebrities or celebs, famous women, stars, biography, movie, figures, female star of movies in cinema or motion pictures, celebrity with bikini or swimsuit

All pictures are on my Celebrity CD which I offer at my auctions (I accept PayPal). There are no fake images on the CD. The TV stars poll was closed on Sunday April 15th 2001. The winner of the vote is Sarah Michelle Gellar. Click on her thumbnail to get the free picture. Enjoy the photographs and biographies.

Alexandra Neldel Claudia Koll Gillian Anderson Jeri Ryan Lucy Lawless
Alexandra Neldel
born on February 11, 1972 in Berlin, Germany; Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten (TV series); Mädchenfalle, Bang Boom Bang, Flashback, Erkan und Stefan
1024 x 768 px
Claudia Koll
born on May 17, 1965 in Rome, Italy; All Women Do It, A Man Named Benito, Uomini sull'orlo di una crisi di nervi, Linda e il brigadiere (TV series), Valeria medico legale (TV series)
364 x 768 px
Gillian Anderson
born on August 9th, 1968 in Chicago, IL, USA; became a punk at 16; commercial for acne lotion; various stage roles; The X-Files (TV series); Playing By Heart, The Mighty and Chicago Cab
589 x 768 px
Jeri Ryan
born on February 22, 1968 in Munich, Germany, was raised on military bases all over the US; BS in theater; won Miss Northwestern Alpha Delta Phi Pageant and Miss Illinois Pageant in 1989; guest-starring in popular television series; Co-ed Call Girl (TV), Star Trek: Voyager (TV series)
910 x 1200 px
Lucy Lawless
born on March 29, 1968 in Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand; television series; studied drama for eight months; TV host; Hercules; Xena: Warrior Princess
673 x 768 px
Peta Wilson Portia De Rossi Sarah Michelle Gellar Shannen Doherty Tori Spelling
Peta Wilson
born on November 18, 1970 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Sadness of Sex, Loser, La Femme Nikita (TV series), Mercy
520 x 768 px
Portia De Rossi
born on January 31, 1973, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Sirens, Too Something (TV series), Ally McBeal (TV series), Scream 2, Girl, Stigmata, Two Girls From Lemoore
1024 x 690 px
Sarah Michelle Gellar
born on April 14, 1977 in New York City, NY, USA; her career in show business began in 1981; television series: All My Children (Emmy Award), Buffy The Vampire Slayer; I Know What You Did Last Summer, Scream 2, Cruel Intentions
1000 x 1656 px
Shannen Doherty
born on April 12, 1971 in Memphis, TN, USA; Little House (TV), Outlaws(TV), Beverly Hills, 90210 (TV), Mallrats, Charmed, Satan's School for Girls
1290 x 780 px
Tori Spelling
born on May 16, 1973 in Los Angeles, CA, USA; Shooting Stars (TV), Beverly Hills, 90210 (TV series); Co-ed Call Girl (TV), Deadly Pursuits (TV); Scream II, Trick, Scary Movie 2
752 x 1024 px

TV is sexy, nude or naked auction, auctions with girls or ladies of lovely women on CD or CDs, singers in bikini and swimsuit
Softi07 Girls Poll
Who is your favorite TV star?
  votes ratio
 1.)  Alexandra Neldel 18   13%
 2.)  Claudia Koll 3   2%
 3.)  Gillian Anderson 17   12%
 4.)  Jeri Ryan 14   10%
 5.)  Lucy Lawless 5   4%
 6.)  Peta Wilson 10   7%
 7.)  Portia De Rossi 12   9%
 8.)  Sarah Michelle Gellar 43   31%
 9.)  Shannen Doherty 10   7%
 10.)  Tori Spelling 8   6%
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Votes:  140

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