Results of Musicians Vote with high quality, hot, sexy pictures of American, German, British, Australian music stars, singers

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All pictures are on my Celebrity CD which I offer at my auctions (I accept PayPal). There are no fake images on the CD. The music stars poll was closed on Sunday March 4th 2001. The winner of the musicians vote is Rachel Stevens. Click on her thumbnail to get the free picture. Enjoy the photographs and biographies.

Britney Spears Christina Aguilera Geri Halliwell Blümchen Jennifer Lopez
Britney Spears
born December 2, 1981 in Kentwood, LA, USA; performed "What Child Is This" in local church, at age 8 auditioned for popular children's variety show Mickey Mouse Club, refused because of her age, studied at Off-Broadway Dance Center and Professional Performing Arts School, appeared in commercials and Off-Broadway shows, landed a spot as a "Mouseketeer" in Mickey Mouse Club at age 11, after 2 years returned to high school, at age 15 signed with Jive Records, 1999 debut album "Baby, One More Time", 1999 MTV Europe Awards for Best Female Artist, Best Pop Artist and Best Breakthrough Artist, second album Oops!...I Did It Again
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Christina Aguilera
born December 18, 1980 in Staten Island, New York, USA; mother Irish, father Ecuadorian descent, appeared on TV show Star Search at age 8; sang the American national anthem for the Pittsburgh Steelers and Penguins at 10; at age 12 landed a coveted spot in variety show The Mickey Mouse Club; 1998 recorded a duet with Japanese pop star Keizo Nakanishi and toured in Japan; "Reflection" for RCA Records, hit single "Genie in a Bottle", 1999 first album "Christina Aguilera", Grammy Award for Best New Female Artist; "The Christmas Song" for Bill Clinton, 2000 album Mi Reflejo and album My Kind Of Christmas
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Ginger Spice
Geri Halliwell born August 6, 1972 in Watford, Hertfordshire, GB; club dancer in Majorca, TV presenter in Turkey, aerobics instructor, cleaner, barmaid, model, part of the Spice Girls for the first two albums and the movie Spice World, left the Spice Girls in 1998, solo singles "Look At Me" and "Chico Latino"; solo album "Schizophonic", autobiography "If Only", number one hit "Bag It Up"
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Jasmin Wagner was born April 20, 1980 in Hamburg, Germany; school choir, 1995 single "Herz an Herz", 1996 singles "Kleiner Satellit" and "Boomerang", debut album "Herzfrequenz", hit singels "Du und Ich" and "Bicycle Race"; 1997 several German awards (ECHO 1996), second album "Verliebt", television host, ECHO Award 1998, album "Jasmin", album "Die Welt gehört Dir"
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Jennifer Lopez
born July 24, 1970 in the Bronx, NY, USA; performed in stage musicals, danced in a European tour of Golden Musicals of Broadway and local productions of Oklahoma and Jesus Christ Superstar, "Fly Girl" role in Fox's In Living Color, roles in Second Chances, Rosie the nurse, 1993 Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7, 1995 Mi Familia, Jack, Money Train, 1997 Selena, U Turn, Anaconda, Blood and Wine, Out of Sight, DreamWorks, VH1/Vogue Fashion Award for Most Fashionable Female Artist, 1999 debut pop album "On the 6", hits "If You Had My Love" and "Waiting for Tonight", 2000 single "Feelin' So Good", 2001 album J. Lo
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Kylie Minogue Madonna Rachel Stevens Toni Braxton Whitney Houston
Kylie Minogue
born May 28, 1968 in Melbourne, Australia; at age 10 role in "The Sullivans", Australian soap opera "Neighbours", 1987 single "The Locomotion", singles "I Should Be So Lucky", "Got To Be Certain", "Je Ne Sais Pas Pour Qui", "Hand On Your Heart", "Wouldn't Change A Thing", "Never Too Late"; debut album "Enjoy Yourself"; film role in "The Delinquents"; albums "Kylie Minogue", "Impossible Princess", and "Light Years", single "Spinning Around", appeared in several movies
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Née Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone born August 16, 1958, in Bay City, MI, USA; school shows, school cheerleader, took piano and ballet lessons, University of Michigan dance scholarship for 2 years, New York City: several minimum wage jobs, Alvin Ailey dance troupe, backup singer and dancer for a well-known disco star, demo single "Everybody" popular club hit, 1982 Warner Bothers, 1983 debut album, hit single "Holiday", music videos, 1984 second album Like A Virgin, 1985 film roles in Vision Quest and Desperately Seeking Susan, stage acting, performing in Goose and Tom-Tom, 1986 single "Papa Don't Preach", video for the 1989 single "Like A Prayer" censored by the Vatican, 1990 in Dick Tracy with Warren Beatty, documentary Truth of Dare, X-rated coffee-table book Sex, album Erotica, 1992 founded the record company Maverick, album Bedtime Stories, 1996 musical Evita, Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy, 1998 album Ray of Light
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Rachel Stevens
born on April 9, 1978 in London, GB; model, actress, singer, show "S Club 7 in Miami" debuted on the BBC in April 1999, debut single "Bring It All Back", singles "Two In A Million" and "S Club Party", debut album "S Club", S Club in L.A. (TV series), 2000 Brit Awards winner, second album "7"
1510 x 1056 px
Toni Braxton
born October 7, 1968, in Severn, MD, USA; church choir, Toni and her sisters formed a group called the Braxtons, single "The Good Life", Boomerang soundtrack, 1993 debut album "Toni Braxton", 1994 2 Grammy Awards, 1995 Grammy Award for Best R&B Performance, 1995 track for the hit movie "Waiting To Exhale" called "Let It Flow"; 1996 album "Secrets", Billboard Music Award for Best R&B Single, 2 American Music Awards, 2000 album "The Heat", Aretha Franklin Award, 2001 2 American Music Awards, Grammy Award (Best Female R&B Vocal Performance)
744 x 1030 px
Whitney Houston
born on August 9, 1963 in Newark, NJ, USA; church choir, backup singer for Chaka Khan, Lou Rawls; first hit 1984 on a duet with Teddy Pendergrass, "Hold Me" first album "Whitney Houston", 2 Grammies (Favorite Soul/R&B Single, Favorite Soul/R&B Video), 2 Billboard Music Awards (Top New Pop Artist, Top New Black Artist), 6 Billboard Music Awards (Top Black Album, Top Pop Album, Top Black Album Artist, Top Pop Album Artist, Top Pop Album Artist - Female, Top Pop Artist for combined LPs & singles), 5 American Music Awards, MTV Video Music Award, Rolling Stone's Top Album of the Year, second album "Whitney", 2 American Music Awards, Billboard Music Award, Grammy Award (Best Pop Vocal Performance); ....; role in the movie "The Bodyguard", 9 Billboard Music Awards, 3 Grammy Awards, ..., acting role in "Waiting To Exhale", Whitney Houston Foundation For Children
558 x 768 px

TV is sexy, nude or naked auction, auctions with girls or ladies of lovely women on CD or CDs, for example Rachel Stevens and hottest latino queen Jennifer Lopez in television
Softi07 Girls Poll
Who is your favorite music star?
  votes ratio
 1.)  Britney Spears 10  14%
 2.)  Christina Aguilera 6  9%
 3.)  Ginger Spice (Geri Halliwell) 5  7%
 4.)  Blumchen (Jasmin Wagner) 11  16%
 5.)  Jennifer Lopez 10  14%
 6.)  Kylie Minogue 2  3%
 7.)  Madonna 7  10%
 8.)  Rachel Stevens 12  17%
 9.)  Toni Braxton 6  9%
 10.)  Whitney Houston 1  1%
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Votes:  70

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All pictures are full-sized on the Celebrity CD. More information on my home page. If you have any comments or questions feel free to email me. Send an email to [email protected] to get informed when a new poll starts.

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Madonna singer Whitney Houston, Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, hottest lady Christina Aguilera, Toni Braxton, R&B Girls of S Club 7 and  sex bomb Rachel Stevens, aussie Blümchen is a women
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