Girls Vote with high quality pictures of American, German, French, British, Italian celebrities, actresses, star athletes, singers, music stars, supermodels, bikini models, TV girls

German speakers
voting and ranking with hot pics, images, photos and biography, celebrity or celebs in sports by famous star or stars, figures movie, female movies in cinema or motion pictures with models, supermodels, bikini or swimsuit

All pictures are on my Celebrity CD which I offer at my auctions (I accept PayPal). There are no fake images on the CD. The Academy Award winners poll will be closed on Sunday March 17th 2002. Vote for your favorite actress. Enjoy the pictures and biographies (soon):

Gwyneth Paltrow Helen Hunt Hilary Swank Holly Hunter Jessica Lange
Gwyneth Paltrow

620 x 768 px
Helen Hunt

1024 x 600 px
Hilary Swank

2000 x 1500 px
Holly Hunter

1024 x 538 px
Jessica Lange

1024 x 768 px
Jodie Foster Julia Roberts Kim Basinger Mira Sorvino Susan Sarandon
Jodie Foster

1024 x 768 px
Julia Roberts

970 x 730 px
Kim Basinger

1440 x 1080 px
Mira Sorvino

1024 x 768 px
Susan Sarandon

1024 x 768 px

Rachel Stevens in TV is sexy, nude or naked auction, auctions with girls or ladies of lovely women on CD or CDs, for example Sarah Michelle Gellar,Kate Winslet,Julia Roberts, Baywatch Tracy Bingham, Sandra Bullock, Alyssa Milano, Sharon Stone, Jamie Lee Curtis or Cameron Diaz but not Lucy Lawless, Jeri Ryan, Angelina Jolie, Mena Suvari, hottest latino queen Jennifer Lopez, Drew Barrymore, Elle MacPherson in bikini and swimsuit, of course Daniela Pestova and Kate Moss, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Carmen Electra not Penelope Cruz

All pictures are full-sized on the Celebrity CD. More information on my home page. If you have any comments or questions feel free to email me. Send an email to [email protected] to get informed when a new poll starts.

Look at the pictures and results of the Baywatch babes, classic actresses, television hosts, bikini models, television stars, sports stars, actresses, musicians and supermodels vote.


  vistors of this vote
Tori Spelling, Demi Moore but Kim Smith and Gwyneth Paltrow, Laetitia Casta or Gisele Bundchen especially Heidi Klum, top model Eva Herzigova, supermodel Cindy Crawford, Josie Maran Madonna hottest girls Mariah Carey, hot television Actress Katie Holmes, singer Whitney Houston, Kylie Minogue, musician Britney Spears, hottest lady Kim Basinger, music star Christina Aguilera, Toni Braxton, Anna Kournikova, Claudia Schiffer, Milla Jovovich, Asia Argento, Michelle Hunziker, Monica Bellucci, Girls of S Club 7 and Mira Sorvino, sex bomb Estella Warren
Copyright © 2001 Softi07. All Rights Reserved. Best Viewed at 1024x768 in TRUE COLOR.