The Gals

CraZySeXyCOol Quotes

Callisto, Xena and Gabrielle. These women are undoubtedly three of the most popular women characters to burst on the TV scene, since Amanda Woodward caused a stir on Melrose Place. Armed with swords, staffs and witty comebacks these three women have blazed a trail for a new set of heroes and villians and sprouted many a homepage dedicated to their antics.

(This page will be updated now and then as watch and sort through my Xena video collection.) Quotes last updated 2nd May 1998.

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Gabrielle: Two villages in dire straits. I hate when that happens.

Xena: Don't tell me that's him.
Gabrielle: 'Fraid so.
Xena: Remind me to talk to you about your taste in men.

Xena: What happened to you was terrible. It was my fault and I'm sorry.
Callisto: Ohh... well, that make's all the difference. And now we can be the best of friends. *spit* That's what I think of your apology.

Xena (near Argo): Sometimes you just have to have patience with the things that annoy you.
Gabrielle: I never said Argo was annoying
Xena (smirking): I wasn't talking to you.
Gabrielle: Oh... funny.

Xena: You better hope this plan works otherwise, I'll do whatever it takes to keep those kids from getting hurt.
Gabrielle (to Sinticles): She's a very physical person. (to Xena)I completely agree with you, if the plan fails we punch faces.

Callisto: You know, there used to be some respect mixed up in my hatred for you but... tch tch... not anymore. Your petty scruples are an embarrassment. As a villian, you were awesome. As a hero, you are a sentimental fool.

Charlie's Angels?

Callisto: Warrior Queen... I like that.

Xena: You maybe immortal but I can still do damage. How'd you like to spend eternity in five pieces?

Callisto: I'm insulted. Xena, your little playmate doesn't know who I am. (to Velasca) She doesn't like to talk about me.

Gabrielle: I'm glad you saved Callisto.
Xena: It was the right thing to do.
Callisto: The right thing to do?? That's what they think.

Xena: What's the matter with you?
Gabrielle: What do you mean?
Xena: I dunno. You just seem... bigger.
Gabrielle: Hmph! No I'm not. It's just this mountain air. I feel motivated.
Xena: You didn't find a sorcerer to enhance your motives did you?
Gabrielle: No. Would you get over it?

Callisto: Ohhh the good Xena... What happened to you, one day you just decided to fight for justice?
Xena: Somethin' like that.

No ordinary blonde
Gabrielle: Ha! It's not like your breasts aren't dangerous enough. That was a joke. You can laugh.

Gabrielle: I'm looking for my best friend. Maybe you've seen her. Six feet tall, dark hair, lots of leather, she fights like the harpies in a bad mood. Her name is Xena.

Callisto: Ahhh uhh... Don't move pretty. That sentimental side of you is a problem now isn't it. You fight with your heart. That gives me advantage over you, I no longer seem to have one. I'm not gonna kill you now. Oh no... first I'm going to kill your soul just like you killed mine. See you soon my sweet.

Callisto: I say before I kill you, I'm gonna make you squeal like a pig, you fat, pathetic piece of dung.

Callisto: Such a pretty day for a bloodbath.

Xena:I've just blocked the flow of blood to your brain. You'll be dead in seconds unless I release you.

Xena: What are you doing here? I thought I told you to wait for me in the cave.
Gabrielle: I did and then this rock told me I had to come find you.
Xena: The rock spoke to you?
Gabrielle: Well yeah, his voice was a little gravelly but I understood.

Callisto: Love is a trick nature plays to get us to reproduce. I want no part of it.

Gabrielle: Get it over with.
Callisto: Oh no no no no... I'm going to make a grand show of your death. And I'll need an audience who will truly appreciate it.

Callisto: In a way, I'm disappointed Xena. There was a part of me that hoped you would win and put out the rage in my heart. Sometimes it even scares me... but then I get over it.

Gabrielle: Remember, a beauty pageant is like a war. To win, you've got to be fired with the heat of competition. The power... the passion... the desire to win.
Xena: Gabrielle, we're not here to win. We're here to stop a war.
Gabrielle: Yeah sure... but there's no harm in winning, right?

Callisto: You just don't kill me and walk away.

Callisto: We're both gonna die Xena. How wonderful, we can spend the rest of the eternity in Tartarus together.

Xena: C'mon we've been tighter spots than that.
Gabrielle: Yeah, yeah, you're right. Since hooking up with you, well I've been nearly eaten by a Cyclop, I was almost forced to marry Morpheus, practically squashed by a Titan...

Callisto: Ohhhh Xena, I missed you.
Xena: You never wrote.

That was fun!

Questions to ponder on�

Does a Warrior Princess beat an Amazon Queen?
Does a Warrior Queen beat an Amazon Queen?

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This page was last updated 18th October 2001. Best viewed with Netscape, 800 x 600 and BakerSignet BT font. -- Dreamscope