The Men of Xena

With her baby blues, her electric smile and a body that exudes dark sensuality, Xena has had many lovers and ardent admirers. Her beaus will be listed in alphabetical order to make it easier.

Ares Ares, the God of War has been obsessed with getting Xena back to her warlord ways since she turned to fighting for the greater good. He has also admitted to being in love with her and while Xena does despise Ares for what he is, she can't deny there is strong chemistry between them. [Episode: The Reckoning]

Autolycus Autolycus, the dashing King of Thieves has made it clear that he likes this Warrior Princess but is wise enough not to push anything. [Episode: A Royal Couple of Thieves]

Borias Borias, a dead ex-lover who we met through various flashback episodes. While a warlord, Borias did have a few principles and near the end of his life, he helped the Centaurs keep the Ixion Stone out of bad Xena's hands. He was the father of Xena's son, Solan. [Episode: The Debt 1]

Caesar Caesar, Julius Caesar believed his destiny was to rule the known world. He betrayed and crucified bad Xena after sleeping with her. Very bad move on his part. [Episode: Destiny]

Draco Using Cupid's arrows, baby Bliss caused Xena to fall in love with Draco. But even without the arrows, there's always been a hint of attraction between the two warlords. [Episode: Comedy of Eros]

Hercules Hercules and Xena had a brief fling while working together with Ioalus and Salmoneus to stop Ares. The demigod encouraged Xena to fight for the greater good. [Herc Episode: Unchained Heart]

Hower Hower, became infactuated with Xena, much to the annoyance of his girlfriend, Minya. The infactuation was short-lived as soon as Hower saw Minya in leather. [Episode: A Day In The Life]

Iolaus Iolaus was totally smitten when he first laid eyes on Xena who was posing as a damsel in distress. Unbeknownst to him, Xena was just using him as bait in her plan to kill Hercules. [Herc Episode: The Warrior Princess]

Mapheius Mapheius, Xena's fiance in an alternate timeline was a nice guy, who found his spine just in time to rescue Gabrielle, Xena and Lyceus. [Episode: Remember Nothing]

Marcus Marcus, was a fellow warrior Xena loved back when she was bad. She still cared for him and tried to get him to change as well with success but he died. (Probably the only woman in history who was able to change her man.) [Episode: The Path Not Taken]

Petracles Petracles, a ruthless warlord who was at one time engaged to Xena. He still kept her wedding bracelet with him until his dying breath. [Episode: A Fist Full of Dinars]

Ulysses Ulysses, the King of Ithaca who Xena helped get his kingdom and wife back. Xena fell in love with the dashing king but put a stop to any developments because she knew it couldn't work and Xena has the other woman? I don't think so, buddy. [Episode: Ulysses]

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